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A/N: This is going to be a really "chatty" chapter where Rosalie and Joe talks quite a lot :)) I hope you're enjoying my little story 

I looked at him and smiled. Damn, he was fit! 

"Of course, Joseph!" I jumped over at him and clapped my hands. I was going to be in a ThatcherJoe vlog! 

"Hello everybody! Today is a wonderful day! The sun is shining in London and I am joined by a new friend of mine! Rosalie, come over here!" 

He looked over at me and reached for me hand. I gladly took his and walked into the shot. 

"Hii" I said with a huge smile. 

Joe putted his arm around my shoulder and explained his viewers why I was in his apartment. 

"So, Rosalie is here with me today.." 

"STOP SAYING SO, JOSEPH!" I screamed and laughed. 

Joe jumped at my little outbreak and started laughing with me. He looked up at his vlogging camera and said: 

"Just a bit of banter guys, haha!" 

He turned of his camera and looked at me. I was on the floor, crying from laughter. I stood up and looked at him. He was just standing there, looking at me with a huge smile on his face. 

"So, should we talk video ideas?" I said and sat on the couch. 

Joe walks over to me and sits beside me. He puts his feet on the table and looks at me. 

"Nah! We should get to know each other, I would like to know more about you Rosalie" 

"What do you want to know?" 

"I want to know more about you, like I want to know the little things that makes you happy. I want to know what makes you sad and all that kind of stuff" 

"You want to know about the little things that makes me happy... It makes me happy to read the comments that my viewers leave me on my videos. I know it's going to be a good day if I start it off with reading the positive comments. It makes me happy the first day in Spring where you don't have to wear a jacket, it reminds me that Summer is near. What little things makes you happy, Joseph?"

"We can talk about me later, I want to know more about you! We haven't known each other for a long time, but I really want to be close with you!" 

As I sat there with Joe, I forgot that I was sat with ThatcherJoe. As time passed by he became Joe Sugg, a very close friend. 

"Ehm, the things that makes me sad... When I get home, for an example when I'm leaving you to go home later, I come home to nothing. I don't have a roommate who's waiting for me. I don't have a dog who's waiting for me. When I get home, I'm all alone. Another thing that makes me sad is that my parents won't even talk to me anymore. They aren't too happy about me making videos on youtube. Whenever something exciting happens I have no one to call. I have about three friends who I am close with and of course, my sister Julie. But when I call them, I feel like I'm bugging them. Sometimes I just feel so alone.." I say, a tear rolling down my cheek. 

"I am so sorry that I just unloaded that on you, Joe.." I say as I look up at him. 

He was still sitting, in the same spot, but with teary eyes. He scooted over to me and hugged me. We sat there for a minute or so, Joe comforting me. Normally, I'm not an emotional person but talking to Joe just brought up a lot of feelings. 

Joe pulled away from me when he heard keys rustle outside the door. A couple of seconds later Caspar walked in the door. I quickly wiped away the tears and smiled! 

"Hello Caspar! I'm Rose" I say and walk towards him. 

"Oh hello Rose! I've heard a lot about you!" He answers and gives me a hug. 

Caspar joined Joe and I in the living room. Joe and I were sat in the sofa and Caspar was sat in the armchair opposite us. We were sat talking about life, youtube and much more. 

Caspar had plans with a friend later on the evening, so he left Joe and I in the livingroom to go and get ready. 

"Are you okay, Rose?" Joe asks and puts his hand on my thigh. 

I look up at him and smile. 

"Yes, Joe! Thank you so much!" I answer. 

For the first time in a long time I could answer yes without lying, when people asked me if I was alright. 

"I want you to know something. Whenever something exciting happens, call me! Promise that you'll call me! Promise you'll call me even if nothing exciting happens! Call me if your favorite TV-show is on and you're happy about it!" He says and laughs. 

"You have no idea how much that means to me, Joe.." I say and hug him. 

He hugs me back and gives me a little squeeze before he pulls back. 

"It's getting late, I should probably get home.." I say and stand up from the sofa. 

"You don't want to stay? We could watch a movie and get to know each other even more! We could talk about video ideas! I really want to prank Caspar tomorrow morning when he gets home, but I can't do it alone" Joe asks and looks at me with his beautiful blue eyes. 

"I would love to stay Joe, but are you sure? I don't want to interrupt.." 

"You're not interrupting anything! I was going to be alone and sad, but if you stay I will have company, amazing company, and I will be very happy" He says and winks at me. 

I laugh at him and sit back down in the sofa. 

"But what am I going to sleep in?"

"Wait here, love" Joe says and stands up. 

I was kind of knowing what he was going to get me. Before I started youtube, I was a huge fan of Joe's and I have to admit, I did read some fan fiction and everytime Y/N would stay over, she would sleep in one of Joe's t-shirts. 

Joe comes walking up the stairs with one of his t-shirts in his hand. He handed it to me and smirked. He walks to the kitchen, to make dinner I assume. When he didn't look, I smelled the t-shirt. It smelled exactly like him. 

"Joe, do you mind if I vlog? I wan't to tell my viewers that I'm staying here" 

"No, I don't mind at all!" 

I pulled out my vlogging camera and turned it on!

"I am still with Joe and Caspar is home. He is downstairs, getting ready to go out with a friend. Joe is right there in the kitchen making me food. Joe?" I ask.

"Yes Rosalie?" 

"You are my bitch, hahahaha!" 

Joe laughed along with me. 

"Anyway, as Caspar is going out and Joe didn't want to be home alone, I am staying here for the night. Joe and I are going to watch movies, learn more about each other and (whispers) maybe do a little prank on Caspar! I AM SO EXCITED, JOSEPH! ARE YOU EXCITED?!" 

I turn the camera towards Joe and he answers: 


I am back on the floor laughing and turn of my camera. Joe walks over to me and helps me up. When I am back on me feet, Joe takes his hand in mine and together, we walk into the kitchen. I help Joe cook us dinner with a big smile on my face. I hadn't had dinner with someone in a very long time. I was very excited. 

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 21, 2015 ⏰

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