Bobby Vernon should be punched

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Her legs aches. Her body shivered. Her arms burned. She had no want to be here. It was a simple case really but after multiple late nights researching, and many back to back cases she just wanted to lay in her bed and sleep.  She was made to watch their new recruit Bobby Vernon in the iron circle. And god was he annoying. Always made the most unnecessary comments, she wanted to choke the boy where we stood.

"Are you sure you're research is correct? I understand if you miss things" Bobby said in the most condescending tone possible. She would've said something back. But Kipps sent her a glare telling her to deal with it later. God she wanted to murder boys. Teenage boys were ignorant assholes. Esspecially Bobby. She should punch him tommorow. Ranjita stayed in the iron circle while Kipps, Kat, and Ned headed in three opposite directions.

The haunting on Elm Street was a multiple ghost haunting. Based on the reports the team assumed it to be a shade. But she suspected that it might be something more. Factory accidents are usually major things that happen, and this just happened to be an old World War Two factory. This was one of the places where things like bombs were made. And that meant there were many deaths. More than Ranjita wished to remember.

"I see a wraith"  she heard Kat call out.

"Me too" yelled Ned, who he followed Kipps to the eastern part of the factory. Bobby and I looked at each other, we needed to find the source. It might've been anything, most likely a set of bones, but since there were two wraiths it might've been more of a common object, maybe something like a mirror or maybe old machinery. Out of all the deaths the most tragic were the ones of two twin girls and their father. At this time their father owned the factory and he brought his daughters to show them around. All reports say that the father was a kind man. All three were said to be killed by the same employee. The first girl was run over by a truck. The second was crushed by a heavy box. And while the bereaved father was leaving, he was shoved into the fire. No arrests were made in relation to the case, but old workers state it was a man named Mr. Roberts who killed them. He was the floor manager and a jealous man. Mr. Roberts commuted suicide in the factory three years later.

"You see anything?" I ask Bobby.

"Nothing. You hear anything?" He asks back.

"Only the sounds of Kipps' loud -" my scents ce was interrupted by a voice. A haunting voice calling, "They were mine. He took them" The voice repeated that a few times until everything went silent. Then I heard a loud screech. I covered my ears, so much for this being an easy case.

"What's wrong?" Bobby asked.

"There's a third wraith in the corner. It's so loud."

"We need to find the source. I suspect it might me something like a log book or something similar" Bobby says. He is just telling me what I had told him earlier that day. He had followed me to the Archives, but there was one book that was missing. It was the compiled history of multiple factories but it was checked out by some guy named Karim. For a reason unknown to me this file wasn't available in the Fittes database. We were going off of a newspaper articles and the police files, which should be enough in theory but you never know what information has been changed based on personal opinions and other such things.

Then we saw Kat come back.

"I didn't hear anything at all. The Wraith seemed weak and not too vengeful" She stated.

"Well I'm hearing a lot here. So much sounds. I have a headache" I say rubbing my head.
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"I didn't hear anything" Bobby said.

Well obviously! He wasn't a listener. And he was kinda deaf anyways. I ignore him.

"I think we found the source. Or at least I sense it!" Kipps yells out. Then we hear a scream. It was Ned.

"Ned! That isn't even a spider! That hair!" I hear Kipps say. Ned was our brawns. He wasn't scared of anything. He'd fight anyone, even adults but he drew the line at spiders. It makes sense of course. Spiders mean ghosts and just because you hunt ghosts doesn't mean you can't be scared of them. Personally I hate heights and rivers. Especially the Thames. She didn't like it much. She hated swimming as well. She was forced to do lessons when she was younger. Heights were scary because she was scared of falling and not having anybody to catch her.

The upsetting thing about this job was that sometimes you never found out the story. Fittes was big on never finding the real story and not getting involved. People have been fired for being too curious. Since these people were gone, we'll probably never know the truth. All we have is assumptions.

Ranjita then felt the over whelming urge to vomit and scream. Her body ached and she heard the screams again.

"They were mine! Mine! He took them"

Out of the corner of her eyes, she sees Kat covering her ears. She probably hears the screeching from earlier. The three of them pulled there rapiers out. Ranjita reached for a salt bomb. They swing their rapiers with skill. Just as the Wraith recovers, and she is about to cthrow the salt bomb it disappears. They must have found the source. Thank god!

Kipps comes back with Ned trailing behind him. He's holding something wrapped in a iron net.

"You're right it was the log book." Kipps says. Ranjita smiles. Sometimes assumptions were all you could go on. They all trail out of the factory, which is now haunting free. All thanks to them. She was looking forward to the weekend. She only had one day off. That has to be some form of illegal. It's cold outside as well. She slips her old hoodie on. She'd gotten it from someone a couple years ago. She didn't remember who. She just remeber she'd taken into a river and a guy had given her his sweater. She never had the chance to return it. The hoodie was warm. She didn't wear it much since it was at the bottom of her bag.

After 20 minutes of waiting, their car had finally arrived. Kipps sat in the front, Bobby and Ned in the middle seats and Ranjita and Kat were in the back.

"Oh Ranjita I ran into Micheal" Kipps said.

"So?" She asked.

"Aren't y'all dating?" Ned asked.

Ranjita scoffed, "We broke up months ago! Where have you been?"

The rest of the car ride was silent. Ranjita had fallen asleep, 30 minutes in. She was shaken awake by Kat when they arrived.

"We're here already?" She said in a groggy voice.

"Yeah" Kat responded.

It was about about 4am. The sun hasn't risen so the city was still asleep. The ghost light bright. Her eyes settled and she dragged herself inside. The car had dropped them off at the Fittes dormitories, which was just down the street from headquarters. Kipps had stayed in the car to go the headquarters for the incinerator. Ned and Bobby went to their rooms. While Ranjita and Kat went to their.  Ranjita showered first, while Kat organized their bags. In the shower she made a mental list of what needed to be done in the morning. The warm streams of water comforted her body after a long case. She knew she had to research their new case (Fittes kept them booked), punch Bobby and pick up some tea and doughnuts. She got out of the shower her body shivered at the loss of warmth. She put on her night clothes, dried her hair and went to sleep. The minute her tierd body hit the bed she fell asleep.

A/N: Yay first chapter done! I'm going to make the next few a bit longer hopefully. As I said before this story used to be on my old account. I just changed the name and other things like that. This story was originally on georgekarimlover which I made when I got logged out of this account.

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