new term, no dick

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But so was the break after last term.

Maddie and Ant.

They broke up.

No one knew why. Not even Missy.

Which was strange since the two girls had been best friends for as long as they could remember.

But all Missy knew was that there was a huge argument resulting in a break up.

Could've been something huge. Could've been something petty. Either way it was bad enough for Missy, of all people, to not know a single detail.

Though the break from school wasn't all bad.

Maddison Taylor had grown closer to Amerie and Harper. Being as close as they were before the Incest Map.

Despite what had happened between Harper and Malakai, Maddie became good friends with Harper again after noticing a significant change in behaviour after an incident between her and her father. An incident which is rarely brought up between the friends.

Despite being close friends again, Maddie had decided not to walk with the girls and drive with Missy like she's used to. Although this time Malakai had joined them, who she had also hung out with a lot.

Stepping out of the car, Missy and Maddie noticed Malakai staring at Amerie, who quickly walked off with Darren.

Missy exhaled before commenting "brutal."

"She probably just didn't see me" he defended.

"Do you care, given what we yarned about over the holidays?" Missy questioned, gaining Maddie's interest as it was clear that the boy still had feeling for the Wadia girl.

"Yeah, about that. Could we just keep that between us? I don't really need any more drama in my life."

"Preach!" the blonde exclaimed, pulling her sunglasses down from her head and onto her face before walking off, leaving the two to their conversation.

Not long after walking away, she regretted her decision.


The girl had really started getting on her nerves since her and Quinni broke up.

Maddie noticed something about the now blue haired girl that she hadn't noticed before.

How fucking annoying she can be.

She doesn't know if she's always been that annoying or Maddie's feelings were just heightened since the breakup, now being as emotional as she is on her period day in day out, but she couldn't be in the same room as Sasha for longer than a few minutes.

So instead, she walked off again, leaving Sasha to whatever she was yelling about and being completely oblivious to the two idiots stood next to her.

One of which being Ant, her ex, and the other being Spider, a dickhead.

Ant had noticed her though and stared sadly at the girl who walked into school with sunglasses covering her face and her dress covering her body just enough for people to not think she's a whore. He frowned as the blonde didn't even notice he was there. He thought maybe it was his new choice of clothes, but the girl could always pick him out of a crowd no matter what he wore.

His mind was racing and immediately determined she was over him completely. Memories of last term when he had bad thoughts early on in their relationship swirled round his mind, reminding him that he was not good enough for her. That she had never liked him and the argument was an excuse to break up with, not having a reason to before.

Luckily his thoughts were broken by Spider shouting about 'bronouns'.

The year 11 students made their way to get their class photo taken.

She sat next Missy at the front, eyeing up a boy who seemed new. She didn't like his vibe. There was something about him that felt 'off'. However, she pushed her thoughts aside, not wanting a drama filled term like the last.

"I would like to introduce a very special new student to our school. His name is Rowan. He comes all the way from Dubbo. Let's give Rowan a big welcome. Rowan from Dubbo."

Students immediately started making fun of him. He is the new kid after all.

"Aw, it's giving Morgan Wallen" Missy pointed at the boy.

"Calm your farm everybody" Woodsy attempted to calm the students down, though her comment didn't help the situation. Maddie couldn't help but laugh, feeling a sense of joy she hadn't really felt the last few weeks.

Suddenly, a loud bang made the year 11's stop laughing and flinch at the sound.

The girls ears were ringing as Woodsy re-introduced Mr Voss, a teacher Maddie hadn't particularly liked the last time he was at school.

Just as they were about to take the photo, a ginger had ran in and shouted "Oi! Anthony Vaughn's chopping his dick off in the quad."

Deja vu?

The Taylor girl thought she was hearing things as a result of the bang, but as Missy dragged her to see what was happening, the blonde realised she was in fact not hearing things and the term was already off to a non drama free start.

"Oh fuck me!" the girl groaned in annoyance at the sight of Ant with safety scissors.

"I bet he wants to" Missy nudged her best friend "he's obviously doing this cause he's depressed. Think the break up hurt his feeling a little."

"Fuck off! That is not the case" she said "Anthony! Put the safety scissors down, you dickhead!"

The boy tried to not look at the girl and instead started talking "my dick causes nothing but trouble. Makes you do stupid shit. Makes girls hate me. Makes my girl hate me. Can't say anything without being called creep."

He swiftly pulled his jeans down, only being left in his underwear "my dick is a curse, so I'm gonna get rid of it."

He held the scissors up as Darren exclaimed "oh no, Miss, he's got a weapon!"

"He's not really gonna chop his dick off" Harper stated.

"Uh, I am. I totally am" Ant sassed back, he made brief eye contact with his ex, who looked horrified as he reached the scissors into his underwear.

Though, before he could do anything, Voss tackled him to the ground, stopping the students chanting.

Maddie was now stood in the nurses office with Spider, Jojo, Woodsy and Voss, staring at a red-eyed Ant.

"I wasn't really gonna go it" he said.

"Yes, but, Anthony Vaughn, there are better ways of expressing your emotions than threatening to extricate your penis" Woodsy stated.

"Like what?" he asked, refraining himself from looking at Maddie for help.

"We've actually gone through this is in SLTs. It can be useful to talk about how we're feeling before it starts to come out of us in other ways" Jojo said.

"Here we go" Voss started "turned my back for ten weeks, Hartley's transformed into a woke snowflake nightmare."

The girl snorted as Jojo repeated his words "sorry, 'woke snowflake nightmare'?"

"Oh my god! Fuck this" Maddie mumbled, pinching the bridge of her nose and walked out without a second glance towards the boy who frowned as he watched his girl leave.

Well. Not his girl anymore. He had to keep reminding himself that they broke up.

He wished he could fix it.

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