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(Doomed pov)

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I slowly woke up, (the rocks weren't exactly a good place to rest)
I remember almost nothing, entering an academy, and then fainting...
I opened my eyes, only to see a girl looking from up to me. Slightly waving her fan

Kyuubi: Ah, you're awake... Well, I suppose that's the case. Your eyes are open, aren't they? Don't tell me you're that kind of eye-open sleeper... They're mostly very uncomfortable when it comes to personality for some reason... So you must not fit in that stereotype.

Doomed: *Sits up slowly* Calm down, I just woke up. Where are we anyway?

Kyuubi: Where are we you say? I have no idea whatsoever, it seems to be a mix between a hotel and a mansion.

Doomed: A hotel... And a mansion?

Kyuubi: For as weird as it seems, it looks like the mix between the two of them, though I haven't taken the time exploring. I was just waiting you to wake up so if something bad happened I could sacrifice you.

Doomed: *Mumbles* Mean...

Kyuubi: Well, anyway, we should go investigating- Oh wait, I almost forgot. I'm Kyuubi, Ultimate Lucky Student.

(Creator's note; Since I don't know what most of the Ultimates would be, I'll just put some random ones, in case of wanting a change just message me in private on discord or put it in discord in the bread corner)

Doomed: I'm Doomed. And I'm...

My mind started wandering a bit, incapable of remembering my Ultimate

Kyuubi: In case you don't have one there's no need to lie yknow?

Doomed: I just... Don't remember.

Kyuubi: In my eyes you have none.

Doomed: *Groan*

Kyuubi: Well, we shall get going. What if there's more people here? If we got kidnapped so easily, I don't see any reason for the kidnappers to be incapable of easily kidnapping more people...

Doomed: I suppose you're right...

We both started walking around, exploring the zone. Idk why but Kyuubi always had her fan in her hand. Like if it was the most appreciated thing she had.

Doomed: Why do you always have that fan?

Kyuubi: You dare to judge me just because I bring my fan everywhere?

Doomed: No, I'm just curious.

Kyuubi: I have my reasons, I'm not telling you that easily.

Doomed: *Sigh*

I first thought she was just a bit mean, but now I see it. She's totally the kind of person to bully you.
I'd not be surprised if she was the Ultimate Bully or Ultimate Hater instead of the Ultimate Lucky Student.

Doomed: And hey, now that I think about it, why are you the Ultimate Lucky Student?

Kyuubi: My luck though not being the best one, it's one of the most useful ones. An example was when I fell off stairs, it was bad luck I fell off stairs. But then I realized someone was about to push me in a way I'd get stabbed with my own umbrella. So it technically also was good luck.

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