chapter 1

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The start of a flame of despair

(Doomed pov)

I slowly woke up at feeling shaken up, I opened my eyes after a seconds of tiredness. It was both Kyuubi and Manpreet.
Both looking at me, Manpreet looked like if he was awkward, Kyuubi seemed annoyed.

Kyuubi: Wake up Doom.

Doomed: *Sits up* What happened...?

Manpreet: Sooooo... We realized that in every room there's keys on our tables, but they weren't ours. So we just want to give you your key.

Kyuubi: Monokuma said that the keys are for our rooms, basically. We found Manpreet's on my room, and we found yours in Manpreet's room. So, with permission, I'll take my key.

I saw how Kyuubi approached my table, she grabbed the key. Looked at it and said

Kyuubi: This isn't my key... It's Corn's... Should we notify Monokuma that he messed up the keys?

Doomed: Probably. It is possible that after that if someone decides to... Yknow... They don't have access to our rooms, just in case.

Kyuubi: You're right.

Manpreet: Let's go!!!

Manpreet pulled us two to the garden again, probably expecting we would find Monokuma there again. Though I wasn't sure....

Kyuubi: Monokuma! Reveal yourself!

There was no response. . .
The silence stayed like that for a loooooong while. Before Monokuma finally had the dignity to appear

Monokuma GRRRRRRRoood morning students! Do you need something or am I so un-bear-able that you want to see me again?!

Manpreet: Neither of these in fact. You messed up the keys of our rooms.

Doomed: In my defense, I have no idea...

Kyuubi: Nobody is blaming you Doom. But as Manpreet said, you did mess up the keys. Corn's keys were in Doomed's room, in mine there was Manpreet's keys, and Doomed's keys were in Manpreet's room.

Monokuma's mood suddenly changed, he seemed...
Ashamed? We all were a bit surprised.

Monokuma: Uhm... Well... I guess I did mess up the keys a little bit...

He looked down, we did expect anything else other than...


I was confused.

Monokuma: Just go ask the others for your own keys! It is that easy!

Kyuubi: U really love complicating our lives don't you?

Monokuma: Just a little bit!

Manpreet: Let's just... Go find the others. Let's start by Corn, he also went to the dorm rooms!

After that we went to find every respective key for their respective bedroom. Hearing Kyuubi's constant complaining and Manpreet trying to calm her down was annoying beyond knowledge.
Sometimes I wish I had my AirPods on and could ignore their bickering.....
I internally screamed, the whole killing game stress was enough, and this two weren't helping at all...

Kyuubi: Okay, so in a recap, we already found all the keys. Bread's room is locked because idk what, and that's all. And we also found this thingys called e-hanbooks... That contain our information and the rules... This is too stupid sincerely...

(Creator's note: I'm leaving this chapter here, the rest will be written in the next part of this chapter. I want to sleep)

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 25 ⏰

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