Chapter 22

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Since Eva's dinner with Leo, Jacob and Grayson had been back and forth between Lexxis and Dragon Canyon more times than Grayson cared to count. It was a power trip. Eva defied Renkon and now he was spooked. He couldn't touch her, both Grayson and Leo had ensured that, so he went after the only other person who stood up to him, to give him some semblance of control over the people in his kingdom.

The idea of agreeing on anything with Leo left an acidic pit in Grayson's stomach. The fact that it was Eva they agreed on sent a visceral wave of nausea through his body. He hated that the prince saw the same thing in Eva. He had tainted what Grayson had thought to be unique and intriguing, turning it into something dirty and odious. It was no longer personal, private. He had to share.

Grayson Smith did not share.

Eran landed roughly in the stables, the strain of their flight audible through his groan. He swung his head in Grayson's direction. "We have arrived."

"I'm aware." Grayson held back further retorts and unbuckled all of his bags from the saddle. He tossed them carelessly to the floor; all of his prized possessions were on his person, strapped to his back, hips, thighs, and chest.

He slid down Eran's scales, landing more clumsily than usual. That's what he got for flying all night. They had decided to take the hit and leave Lexxis during the night, knowing they would get the chance to rest in their own beds for the first time in weeks once they arrived.

"I just wanted to make sure," Eran continued silently as Glade entered the stables. "You were thinking about Eva again, and when you do. . . you get a little distracted." Eran's expression remained impassive, haggard at most, but Grayson could hear the smile in his voice. Bloody smug dragon.

Jacob groaned when he demounted from Glade's back and leaned into his dragon's leg. "Finally. A break. I'm going straight to our room and sleeping for the next decade."

Grayson was right behind him-

Until one of Hargin's messengers stepped away from the wall; her messengers were easy to spot, thanks to the black scaleless uniform. While Dragon Knights bore scales to protect them from just about anything, her messengers needed soft lightweight materials to remain hidden and swift.

Her spine straightened up as she approached them, Grayson specifically. Her eyes were on Jacob, but she was fully aware of Grayson's movements. If she was looking for a fight, she'd be disappointed; he just wanted to pick up his bags and hit the sack. . . . Though, her presence alone told him that wouldn't be happening anytime soon.

"Commander Hargin has requested your presence," the messenger relayed.

Jacob glanced at Grayson wearily. "Right now?"

"Yes. However, she understands that you have just arrived and only needs one of you present. The other can resupply."

"She's sending us out again?"


Jacob huffed then held his fist out to Grayson. "Rock, paper, scissors? Winner gets to resupply."

Grayson obliged and grinned when he won. Between the brewing war, Leo, and Eran's snide observations, he wasn't in the mood to deal with Hargin. Whatever he said would get him thrown out of Dragon Canyon, so it was better he avoided her for a little while.

Jacob tipped his head back and swore to the gods silently. When he righted himself, he squared his shoulders and nodded to the messenger, who didn't hold an ounce of compassion for the tired Knights in front of her. "All right. Let's go. I'll meet you back in our room in a couple of hours, Gray."

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