Just a kiss

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Katsukis phone buzzed repetitively in his pocket. Letting out a soft groan, he reached into his pocket and silenced it without looking. He wasn't little anymore; he was having thoughts that were too big for a little to think about. He could feel Deku's breath moving his hair, the way Iida had his hands lying over the two smaller boys. And all he could think about was how at home he felt in a bed that wasn't even his. Even though he wasn't in headspace, he could feel himself becoming dependent on the two older boys, even after just a day. He couldn't help it. He wanted to be intertwined with the two of them. Closer. He wanted to be held and loved. He was so embarrassed by his thoughts that he nuzzled himself into Dekus neck, hiding his blushed face, even though no one could see him. Deku began to feel the movement and giggled at kacchan breathing on his neck. Groggily, he whispered, "Kacchan, that tickles baby." Katsuki looked up at him with a smirk spreading on his face. He laid back down again, nuzzling into Deku's neck once more, then did something neither of them expected. He kissed along Deku's jawline, making the greenette smile softly, his heart fluttering. Unknowing that Katsuki was big again, Deku whispered, "Aww, baby, are you giving Daddy kisses? What a sweet baby boy!" Katsuki whined and shook his head play punching deku. "I'm big, you nerd." Deku giggled. "Sorry, Kacchan, it's hard to think you're a big boy when you have a paci attached to your shirt and you're cuddled in my arms," he teases the blushing blonde. Then they hear another voice. Tenya's sleepy voice spoke softly, joining Midoriya's teasing. "Or when you're whining and blushing like a baby." Katsuki grunted and spoke with a sarcastic smile. "If you idiots don't shut up, I'll beat you to a pulp and gag you with this pacifier." Katsuki held the paci off, fumbling around and pulling it off of his shirt. Deku grinned at Iida, who was now beginning to be more awake. Iida spoke, but you could hear his smirk when he said, "Oh? It sounds to me like Papas Baby is being such a good boy and sharing." Bakugou stares at the two of them in shock. "The fuck do you mean sharing? Aren't you supposed to be our super smart class rep? You don't even think about the things you say before saying them!" Deku stops him and chimes in. "Cmon, Kacchan, keep being a good boy for us; if you're not gunna be a nice boy, daddy's gunna put that paci in for you. Deku reaches over to put Katsukis Paci in, but his hand is swatted at in response. "No way, idiot, I'm not little right now. I have something else I'd rather do. And you're not babying me." "Something you'd rather do?" Tenya questioned. Dekus eyes open wide. "Does it have to do with what I woke up to you doing? Do you want us to kiss you, Kacchan?" Deku sounded so confident saying it that Katsuki shyed into Izu's neck again, nodding. Iida piped up again. "oh?" He shifted from his laying down position to sitting up; Midoriya watched and did the same. Katsuki looked at them both, red in the face. This felt so out of character for him, but he didn't care. He wanted to feel loved and maybe a little babied. He wanted soft kisses and affirmations. He wanted Izuku and Tenya. More than he could bear. Izuku pulled him up into his lap. "Am I allowed to kiss you, Kacchan?" The boy nodded and looked away. Iida grabbed his chin gently. "Words, baby," Kat hesitates before mumbling, "yes.." Izuku smiles softly and pulls Katsuki's face into his, kissing him gently for a few seconds, then stopping to plant kisses on his whole face. Cheeks, then nose, then forehead, then his lips once more. Tenya kissed the side of Izuku's face, whispering things like "That's my sweet boy" and "There you go, you're doing great." Izuku felt so gentle around two boys. He'd never imagine that such sassy, hard headed idiots would ever be so soft. But here they were, drowning in each other's sweetness. Suffocating even. Iida spoke, sending shivers down Kat's back, "There you go, baby, you're doing so good." The blonds face blushed as he squirmed to hide his face in Tenya's chest. "Look at me, baby." a soft whine slipped from Kat's lips as he looked at Tenya, who kissed his head softly and played with his hair. "Don't you think we should get up for the day?" Iida mumbled in between kisses to the two boys. "Someone gets cranky when his schedule doesn't go according to plan. And it's already 6:30." Izu whined and started to squirm and get up. "Kacchan, you're lucky. I like beating you. It's way too early to be up on a Saturday." Katsuki stared at the greenette. "These runs were your idea, Deku!" And what the fuck do you mean you like beating me?? You know damn well, I'm going to be #1. And I can flame you in a race any day, nerd!!" The two bickered back and forth, making their way from laying in bed to standing up. But the squabble was interrupted by a laugh from Iida. "Actually.. I'm a speed hero. I could "flame" both of you any day." He reached for his nightstand and put on his glasses, pushing them onto his nose and standing. Now towering over the two boys, he tilted Katsuki's chin up with one hand and held Deku's face in the other free one. "But I would love to watch you attempt to beat me. He let them go with a smile, then headed to the bathroom to change into proper running clothes. The door shut, and the two boys looked at each other; stunned, then sat back on the bed before Katsuki muttered, "Shut up."

Their run was longer today. With an added person to keep up with, Bakugou kept insisting they went for another lap. Then another lap. Then another lap. By the time Iida wanted to call it quits, Katsuki was panting and still begging for a rematch. To his disappointment, Tenya did not comply. The taller boy just shrugged. "Guess you'll need more practice, huh, Katsuki?" The blond pouting gave Deku a chance to geek out, asking Tenya all kinds of questions about his quirk. "What kind of engines are they? Car?" "What's your average speed?" Iida just laughed, "Slow down, Midoriya. "My engines are exhausting. And my average speed is 36.79 miles per hour." Katsuki butted in, rolling his eyes. "Fan boy," Izuku huffed, "nuh uh!" They bickered like that all the way back to the dorms. Poor Iida shook his head and sighed, walking between the two boys. The door to the dorms opened, and the second they stepped foot in the common rooms, Tenya dragged them to the shared showers, claiming that he wouldn't have them "sweating in his bed." Their bickering stopped when the three boys walked into the showers, which they had to themselves. The new silence was deafening and uncomfortable. Iida cut in, "We are going to need clothes, aren't we? I'll run up to my dorm.." Tenya shifted and headed for the door. "Be right back." When the door closed behind the boy, Katsuki sighed, removing his shirt, then stepping into the shower, pulling the curtain closed, and removing the rest of his clothes. Izuku's voice spoke softly. "Kacchan.. did you like it? I mean.. kissing me." Katsuki turned the handle, water rushing down, pretending not to hear him. To embarrassed to say yes.

Katsuki felt the water coming down on his face, the steam engulfing his body. He breathed slowly in and out, thoughts swirling through his head. He couldn't stop thinking about this morning. He had never kissed anyone. Ever. But he was so willing and wanting to be kissed by the taller boys that he made himself look desperate. Katsuki thought about the endless embarrassment he'd put himself through the last two days, but also.. how He wouldn't be mad if it happened again..

"Kacchan!!! Hurry up, Tenya, and I don't want to wait for you anymore!! You're smaller than both of us; what could you possibly still be washing?!" The curly haired boy whined to the other side of the shower stall. Now changed into a t-shirt and shorts, he tied his wet curls up into a ponytail after squeezing the water out of them. Tenya, who had sense returned with clothes and who was now also showered, watched him. His dress was more formal, a white sweater and blue slacks. "Shut up, Deku, I'm almost done!! God mom!" Tenya sighed at the bickering, then gave Midoriya a smug smile. He led the boy out of the bathroom without telling Katsuki. Once the door was shut, and the steam left their lungs, Iida spoke. "I think we need to talk to Katsuki about his regression. We are his caregivers now, He needs rules and stability. I think it's time we sat down with him to discuss his boundaries." Izuku looked unsure. "You think he's going to let us?" Iida shrugged, "No, but it's our job now. I don't doubt that we'll figure it out, ok?" And with that, Iida grabbed Midoriya's face, kissing him softly, then letting him go as if nothing ever happened.

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