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It was Tenya who spoke next. His voice was so deep and firm that it made the room feel like it was shaking. "Mina I truly do appreciate your input, but I feel that you aren't seeing this scenario from mine or Midoriya's viewpoint, leading me to assume you don't know the full story. It's normal for a confused little to resent their classification, and to get mad and confused. That's why Midoriya and I have spent so much time working to help Bakugo. But we struggle because any time we reach progress, he decides he doesn't want to anymore and backs petals. Let me ask you, Mina. Have you ever fallen in love with someone?" The sudden question surprised everyone. But she nodded. Sero had since escorted Roki up stairs to get him into his pajamas so he wouldn't have to be changed by his babysitters. Tenya and Mina were still speaking across the room when Tenya continued. "How would you feel if you found out that the two people you admire more than anything, exuding family, reciprocate the feelings you have for them, and they are the only ones that truly lead you to peace in your mind? It would be great, right? You'd be ecstatic, would you not? And I was. Until the second I tried to build structure, with Kats permission and consent the whole time, might I add?" Tenya sighed, Everyone in the room could see he was just as hurt as Kat, if not more. Midoriya held onto his hand, tightly squeezing as Tenya started up again. "Mina He had a nonverbal episode that day. And I thought it was all my fault. He didn't speak with me for two days after that. No matter what I tried, So imagine how bad it hurts when I go to apologize to him in the morning and he tells me that the only reason i was taking care of him or loving him is because I wanted something to control because I couldn't control anything else in my life. Little or big, no matter our relationship, you should never do that to someone. My heart shattered this morning. It sounded to me like he was saying he didn't want me anymore. Which he has said in the past. So yeah, I'm trying to pick up the pieces and experience how to be a real caregiver. I understand I may seem immature from your point of view. But, Mina, I'm a child. In all honesty, Just like you are. This is my first time living here. I get it. I know I'm too much to handle!!! But I didn't think... He would think that of me too.

Tenyas voice saddened as he walked over to the couch, kneeling down to Katsukis size, who was dangling his feet off the couch. His face was twisted into a pout. "Kat, listen to me." The blond nodded as Tenya stood again, picking the boy up, then sitting on the sofa with Katsuki on his lap, their faces toward each other. Their foreheads touched as Tenya spoke to the boy. "Baby. I need you to put your trust in me, I'm working so hard; I'm really trying for you, and I don't know what else I can do to fix it. I have put my whole soul into loving you." Katsuki put his hands on Tenya's face. "Trust you, papa, I promise." Iida smiled softly. "Ok, listen to me. What's going to happen is that Daddy and I are going to take care of Shoto for the night, like we agreed to, When Sero returns and we say goodbye, we will come find you and have a genuine conversation. No lashing out. Nothing. Do you understand me, Kat?" The blond nods before Tenya kisses him on the head and pulls out something from his back pocket. Kats Paci and Iida kept it, just in case his baby needed it. Needed him.

Tenya holds the silicone in his fingers before pressing it against the younger boy's lips. Katsuki sucked it gently, looking at Tenya with soft eyes. Iida lifted the little one off his lap reluctantly and placed him back on the couch before ruffling his hair. You know how to reach me, baby, but I have something to do tonight. Papa made a promise, but I'm going to make another one. I promise I will love you always, Kat. No matter who you are, my world. Ok?" Katsuki nods once more, his eyes sparkling and cheeks blushing as the blue haired boy walks away. Mina looks at Tenya and mouths, "Thank you."

So what do you want to do, boys? Mina asks the two little ones now that they are alone once more. In the common room. Kirishima squealed, bouncing up and down on the couch. "Cupcake!! Make cupcakes!!!" Mina giggles, "Oh, I see! You want to bake, baby? I love that idea." Kirishima squealed and stood up, running to the kitchen, Mina and Katsuki not far behind him. "What's our first step, bud?" Mina asks the interested blond boy. "Wash hands?" He says it curiously. Mina gives an eager nod and brings the two to the sink. Katsuki went first, then Kirishima followed him, letting the warm water run down his little finger tips. Mina shut off the water and gave the two boys paper towels. "All clean!!" Katsuki giggled. something he had never done before. Kirishima gives Kat a soft hug before gushing, "Kitty, you are so cute!! You just lil baby!!" Even when small, Eijiro always found a way to complement his best friend. And even when Katsuki wasn't big, he still always found a way to roll his eyes and blush at the sudden coddling.

"Alright, baby, what's the next step?" Mina asks Kiri, who stopped teasing Katsuki, in a friendly way to look at his mommy. The older little one looks at his mama, and puts his hands on his hips, practically telling her he is the boss of the kitchen and he is ready to help. "Need to mix ebeything in da bowl!!"

They ran through each step like that, with Kiri telling Mama what to do next and Kat getting to help. He even got to pick out the cupcake liners with some help from Kirishima. The little blonds favorite part was when Mina let him crack the eggs. He didn't get a single shell in the bowl!!! Katsuki was a pretty great cook, but normally refused to cook in the dorms. Claiming that they live with too many vultures. He would cook for his friends occasionally, though, just to get them off his ass for a while.

"I know you want to help baby, but mamas gunna put them in the oven, ok? I don't want you to get burned." Katsukis spacing was interrupted by Mina comforting a very whiny Kirishima, who was trying to put the cupcakes in the oven all by himself. "Mm, strong mommy, I can do it!!! I wanna!" Mina picks the tray up from him, sets it down, and then crosses her arms. "You need to let mommy help you with the big things like this. I'm not doing it to be mean! I know my boy is strong. But that doesn't mean he's big enough to do things that are dangerous for a baby!" Kiri audibly pouts but nods, letting his mommy slide the cupcakes into the oven.

But what Mina had said made Kat think.

His daddies weren't just giving him all those rules and nonsense to be annoying or to make him upset; they were trying to help. Katsuki knew that deep down, but in that moment, it really clicked. Leaving an aching feeling in his tummy. A longing. For his daddies, who were very busy.

"Mimi?" A small voice comes from the little blond, who was sitting on a stool, dangling his feet. Mina picked him up, holding him close. "Hi kitty, what's the matter?" The boy thought for a second. "Daddy now?" Mina's lips made a small "O" shape, like she understood what he meant. "Not yet, Kitty; they should be back at 8. When Sero comes back from helping at his work study, But guess what? You can give them cupcakes when they come back!" Kat smiled but began to squirm, trying to get away from Mina, who was holding him so babyishly. He might have understood where his daddies were coming from when they babied him, but that doesn't mean he's 100% sure about slipping so deep in headspace without his daddies.

"Eiji!! Wan Eiji!"

That's how Katsuki escaped Mina's mommy grip. Whining to play with his kiri. A giggle escaped both boys lips, once Katsuki was set down on the ground. "S'pointy," Kat observes while touching Kirishimas hair. "Mhm!! I'm spiky! Poke, poke, poke!" The little redhead giggles while chasing Katsuki around the kitchen island with his spikes. "Boys!! Walking feet, please," Mina commands in a firm but still giggly voice. Hmph!!!

Mina slides the tray into the oven, closing the oven door behind it, then setting a timer on her phone. "Well, do we want to watch something while we wait?" Small, eager nods erupt from the two littles who were already running to the couch. "Hey, I just told you to walk!!!" Mina rolls her eyes as she walks to the couch, trailing after the boys, and sits herself on the end of the couch with the remote. Clicking the common room TV on, she flipped through Disney, waiting for one of the boys to tell her what to put on. They spent about five minutes like that, Mina flipping and the boys on the edge of their seats waiting for her to get to something good, when they all agreed to watch the first Spider-Man movie. Sero had roped Kirishima into the Marvel universe , but of course the whole group was eventually forced to see the franchise in chronological order. Katsuki enjoyed super hero movies more than he liked to admit, even though those ones specifically were pretty old, like Aizawas age.

Mina presses play on the Spider-Man movie, listening to soft squeals of anticipation from both boys. Letting the little ones be excited despite having seen this exact movie thousands of times. As the opening credits finished and the movie finally flickered on, both littles were already on the edge of the couch cushion in anticipation of seeing Spider-Man. Kiri stayed like that. Propped straight up on the couch, I exited. But Bakugo lay back against the cushion, his eyes wide and full of wonder. Occasionally, Mina even heard light babbles and coos escaping a very little Katsukis lips.

They made it 23 minutes into the movie before Mina's phone started to blare an annoying alarm, which she stumbled to turn off. Kirishimas head darted up, "Cupcakes!" His attention has now been pulled from Spider-Man. But Katsuki didn't budge. His eyes stayed glued to the glowing screen in front of him, even when Kiri stood in front of him to get cupcakes, The blondes head wobbled to get a better view. "Kitty, cmon, bud, we have to make sure our cupcakes don't burn." Mina whispered to Kat, who had his paci resting between his lips, threatening to fall, as the boy had his mouth in the shape of an "o" watching the hero on screen. Mina earned a grunt in response from the blonde, who paid her barely any mind.


"Kacchan Didn't you hear Mina say your cupcakes were gunna burn?" Izu. He was back! The green haired boy had snuck up behind the couch, accompanied by Iida, and he had picked the little one up. "DADDY!" Katsuki forgot what he was hooked on just seconds before as his heart pounded out of his chest, feeling his daddy's arms wrap around him, encasing him with warmth, and his fingers gripped Izus shirt.

Suddenly, the quiet Kat that had just been, was replaced with a little chatter box. He was telling his daddies all about Spider-Man, cupcakes, and everything he had gotten to do. He mentioned at least four times how he got to crack the eggs. He was such a bundle of warmth right now. He felt comfortable in his small space. And most importantly, he was back with his daddies.

Mina smiled lightly, pulling the cupcakes from the oven with her lady bug oven mits, the ones Kiri picked for her the last time they shopped together. "He was so well behaved, and Eijiro had so much fun playing! Thank you guys for letting us do this." The red head whined and blushed to hear his mommy talking about him, but Mina just laughed and shared a smile with the other two caregivers before blowing on a cupcake and offering it to the blond little who was grabbing for it.

"Is it good, cupcake?"

Katsuki giggled at the nickname. Nodding and laying his head against his daddy.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 09 ⏰

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