Too Close

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"You disappoint me, Gavin..." A shudder of fear ran through him as he sat at the table, slowly chewing a piece of steak. That he was still being fed surprised him. That he was still wearing clothes and sitting in his room, even more so. They'd tried to make him do it three times so far, and each time he'd refused. He'd come close this time. Closer than he'd like to admit. The memory of the gun in his hand still plagued him, the weight and feel of the grip. He'd aimed it at one of the men. Another piece of shit murderer. Where the Hickory Killer was finding these guys, he had no idea, but so far six pieces of trash had been brought in, and none of them had walked out.

He'd come so close to pulling the trigger this time, gun shaking in his hand, heart racing, green eyes darting between the man in the chair and the quivering barrel. In the end, he'd dropped his arm, unable to pull the trigger. It just wasn't his way. He was a detective, a man of the law. He believed in justice, and vigilante killing wasn't justice. How the Hickory Killer intended to turn him into a ruthless serial killer, he couldn't fathom. He wasn't even sure the Hickory Killer knew as he sat calmly across from him, dressed the same as always. With the mask on his face, he was unreadable, and the voice changer added to that eerie calm.

"Why do you resist? I know you have it in you, Gavin...I've seen it." That's a lie! He'd never wanted to kill anyone. "Don't lie to yourself, Gavin. Do you not recall how relentlessly you pursued me? How you fired and tried to kill my android, thinking it was me?" Gavin swallowed, feeling the meat slide down his throat in a dry lump. The steak wasn't badly cooked, but it was hard to eat with the Hickory Killer sitting so close. It was even harder to hear the truth of those words. He couldn't deny it. He had tried to shoot him. The memory of disappointment still lingered as he vividly recalled the rooftop where he'd tried to shoot Jack, thinking it was him. It was a heat of the moment thing! He was trying to get away! I never would have shot him if I'd had him on his knees!

The Hickory Killer chuckled softly, almost as if he could hear the thoughts racing through his head. Gavin dropped his gaze, unsure if he even believed it himself. This was the person who'd killed his partner and tormented him for the past...How long has it been? Was it three years or four? Could they be on five already? How long had he been here? He couldn't even say anymore. It felt like ten years, though he was pretty sure that couldn't be the case. He was still a little feeble from being starved, but he didn't feel that old yet. Green eyes widened as soft leather touched his chin and raised his head. Within the mask, he could see those pale blue eyes staring at him, calculating.

"Perhaps making the choice is too hard right now. I understand...You need an incentive. A way to justify your actions until you're ready. We'll start small, like weaning a babe from the teat." Gavin felt sick at the analogy, dread swelling in the pit of his stomach as he wondered what the hell that sicko was planning. Prickles ran across his skin as that leather clad hand stroked his cheek, thumb lingering almost affectionately. The worst part was that he leaned into it. Since being kept confined, alone and starved of warmth, he was desperate for any affection he could get. Even now, weeks after his release, he pined for it. "See to his needs until I return." Though he was looking at him, Gavin knew he was speaking to Jack.

"Of course." What else would he say? The Hickory Killer didn't say another word before leaving. Gavin heaved a sigh of relief the moment the door closed, cautiously cutting into the remainder of his dinner. It was a little cold since he'd been eating so slowly, but it still tasted good. He hummed softly, closing his eyes as Jack stroked through his hair and rested a hand on his shoulder. It was comforting and familiar, giving him the physical contact he so craved. "You did so well today...I could tell you were trying your best." Trying my best to what? He didn't even know anymore. Had he been trying to hold back or pull the trigger?

Tick Tock Part Four - The Mouse Fell DownWhere stories live. Discover now