A Mother's Worry

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Nines tried not to stare too much as Mrs Dawson walked through the precinct. She was still as lovely as she looked in the photo on Gavin's desk. Soft honey hair and creamy skin, though the perfection was likely down to makeup. The difference was that she wasn't smiling. Why would she? Her husband had been murdered over four years ago, and now her daughter was missing. He noticed her reddened eyes flick to his desk, possibly searching for Gavin and wondering why he hadn't greeted her. Their eyes met, and Nines dropped his gaze to the keyboard. Hank was with her, speaking in gruff tones and apologising for making her go through everything with them again. She'd already spoken to officers at another precinct, but since Hank and Connor were assisting the FBI, they wanted to conduct an interview themselves.

Nines' LED span yellow as he considered listening in. For his model, it would be easy to hack the interview room cameras without notice. Even Connor wouldn't know. It was against protocol, and he was strictly off the case. Gavin would likely disapprove, reminding him to trust their colleagues to get the job done. I have been trusting them, and they have yet to deliver...With that in mind, Nines hacked the cameras. It was unlikely she'd have any useful information pertaining to Gavin, but perhaps her experience at the movie theatre could point to some small piece of evidence.

"Sorry to drag you all the way here, Sandy. I know it's been a rough few years." Sandy nodded silently, something in the tightness of her lips suggesting she was holding back. Perhaps she was. It had been a rough few years, and no one had checked in on her. Gavin had been too ashamed as the reason for her husband's death. It was understandable he'd distanced himself, but likely difficult for Mrs Dawson to accept. As far as he could tell, Gavin had been a large presence in her life since Jack's college days. He was the godfather of her only child. She'd lost two people that day.

"I didn't see Gavin on the way in...You still haven't found him?" So, she'd heard about the disappearance. It had been on the news some months ago, but the case hadn't been updated with the media since. More interesting things had come along, though perhaps he might be mentioned again in conjunction with Kitty's disappearance. Hank waved Sandy to a seat and Connor joined him, giving her a small nod of greeting as they sat.

"Unfortunately not..." Hank looked aged and worn as he responded, his expression grim as he sat back. "We believe there's a chance that Kitty's disappearance may be connected. We're working with the FBI, gathering information while the agents are looking into other matters." That was an evasive way of saying the FBI wasn't actively involved just yet. Colin and Perkins were still away, likely finishing up whatever case they were working on out of state before coming back. Sandy nodded, clearly missing the negative undertones of that statement. Hearing the FBI were involved at all gave her hope that her daughter's disappearance was being taken seriously.

"Where should I start?" She'd tell them anything if it would bring Kitty home.

"How about Kitty's social habits? We know she was out with some school friends. Do you know if she's been in contact with anyone else online? Someone who could have lured her away that night?" It was an avenue Nines hadn't considered. Knowing she was out with a particular group, it made sense that they would stay together. However, an outsider luring her away wasn't beyond the realm of possibility. Sandy sucked in her bottom lip, but eventually shook her head.

"None that I know of...She hasn't mentioned any new friends or boyfriends. Recently, she's been obsessed with a boy in her class...He's a nice boy, but as far as I know, she hasn't worked up the courage to talk to him." Hank elicited the name anyway, mainly to cross him off the list. None of them truly thought this boy had anything to do with it. Was it possible the Hickory Killer had spoofed his number somehow to trick her into believing he'd called her? Unlikely, but possible. Nines put it at a less than five percent possibility.

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