A Date With Dr Marr

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Nines now fully understood Gavin's frustrations with these sessions. Talking didn't help. Sitting on a comfortable sofa in a warm office being told how understandable his feelings were while Gavin was god knows where, suffering god knows what, didn't help. The worst part was that Dr Marr seemed to understand that. She was giving him her usual thin-lipped, sympathetic smile as she waited for him to explain himself. His eyes narrowed as he looked away, much as Gavin used to do when he didn't want to talk about something.

"I know you had a reason." Of course he did. He never did anything without reason. He was reasonable like that. Perhaps he should have considered the ramifications of his actions a little more, however, his response had been appropriate. Not to Fowler or Dr Marr perhaps, but he certainly got satisfaction, and he was quite sure Hank had been quietly amused as well. "It's not like you to attack your co-workers." Co-worker was a strong word in this instance. He could almost hear Gavin's colourful insults and imagine his laugh if he'd seen him.

"Detective Yates is not my co-worker." Dr Marr gave him a patient smile at that.

"Just because you work in different departments, doesn't mean you aren't co-workers...Why don't you tell me about it?" Of course. This is what they were there for, after all. Nines was no fool. He knew Fowler, and possibly Connor, had been looking for an excuse to get him in here for months. They felt Dr Marr had helped with Gavin, so surely she could help with him, too. The difference was that he was not a human. Why would human therapy help an android? There was nothing wrong with him. He was a machine. He could compartmentalise. "I'd like to hear about it." Was that a confession to wanting gossip or a trick to make him speak? There was little harm in humouring her.

"I heard him talking about Gavin." Heard is probably an understatement. It seemed he'd come to the homicide department specifically to gloat. Not to him, just to anyone who would listen. It was no secret he didn't like Gavin, but to say such things. Dr Marr sat a little straighter as she saw his LED blink red at the memory.

"What did he say?"

"He...suggested that Gavin's disappearance was less than authentic." The words still resounded in his head, fresh as the moment they were recorded. His thirium boiled at the accusations. "He claimed that Gavin had left deliberately to join forces with the Hickory Killer, and that we haven't found him because he doesn't want to be found. It shouldn't have surprised me. It is a well-known fact that he has despised Gavin for many years...I just never expected him to level such accusations in my presence." He certainly wouldn't be doing that again. Upon hearing those words leave his mouth, Nines had stepped across the hall, lifted him by his fat neck, and slammed him against the wall with an iron grasp. He remembered how Yates' glee had faltered, skin paling as he realised exactly what he'd unleashed with those comments.

"You know that isn't true." Certainly, he knew that. It had never crossed his mind that Gavin's disappearance could be anything so nefarious, but for another officer to say it so plainly. It was insulting to Gavin's memory. No, not to his memory. To him. His LED burned at his own misstep. "Did you hurt him?" He would have. If Connor and Miller hadn't been so close and thrown themselves on him, he would have tightened his fingers. Not enough to kill, perhaps, but enough to cause minor damage. The yelling had brought Fowler, who was worldly enough to know more was going on than a simple brawl. After establishing that Yates was unharmed, he firmly suggested he drop the matter and return to his own department, else he'd let Hank handle it himself. The glint in Hank's aged eyes at the offer had been simply predatory, and with Hank came Connor. Considering Nines was his brother, Yates didn't fancy his chances with either of them.

Being the responsible captain, Fowler did issue punishment for Nines' outburst. It was a measured and reasonable response, which unfortunately landed him in Dr Marr's office. Fowler had been somewhat walking on eggshells since their prior confrontation, and he'd barely spoken to Connor at all. With him now distancing himself, there was little they could do to help or monitor his condition. Getting Dr Marr involved was really a last resort. If Nines wouldn't help himself and open up to them, perhaps he'd open up to Dr Marr in a professional setting. They already knew he liked her. They'd always had a respectful and cordial relationship.

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