June 21

15 1 6

I'm going to write down everything I feel that I want to scream at my family.

I feel like I'm so ugly that I don't deserve to be pretty and brush my hair.

I feel alone.

I feel depressed.

Almost anytime I eat I feel I don't deserve to eat.

Every night I cry myself to sleep.

I got bullied to not just my brother.

I'm never going to be your perfect little daughter who gets a husband to serve and give children to.

I have seriously thought about killing myself Percy Jackson and my friends are the only reason I am able to keep those thoughts under control.

••(James and Estelle)

I just really needed to get those things out.

I honestly hate my family my only family member I feel like I could reach out to for support lives 4 hours away and my mother hates him.

By hate I mean she despises him she calls him by the wrong pronouns(She means to),talks about him behind his back,scoffs at him when he talks,and she's currently trying to get my younger siblings and I to hate him.

If it was a situation where I was kicked out of the house for being part of the LGBTQA+ community I would trust my dad's side of the family enough to stay with them for a bit not my dad's bio father though I honestly just don't trust him or his wife.

••(Adison and Leighla)

Stay safe sorry I dumped all of this on you💜

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