Welcome to the Smiling Friends!

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Y/N sat before a dark mahogany wood desk, situated centrally in a pitch black room. The doorway behind her cast a shadow across the floor, illuminating the giant head of the man sitting behind said desk. He silently looked through the stapled sheets on the tabletop. Checked the first page, hummed, and moved on. Referenced the first page for a moment and briefly glanced up at her.

Y/N nervously glanced around the room, but there was nothing to look at besides the desk in the center of the room. Clever design, really, to keep all the attention on the man in charge. She had no choice but to respect him, as she could tell he was quite the clever individual. She wondered about his background. His own credentials. What did a person have to major in to pursue a career in making people... smile? The company she worked for created a fake psychology diploma. Hopefully that made sense enough to... what was his name exactly?

"Uh... could I ask you what your name was again? Sorry," Y/N muttered.

He laughed. "Mr. Boss. Don't worry, not that hard to remember, huh?"

"Oh!" Y/N laughed along.

"Why are you laughing."

"N-nothing. Sorry."

Mr. Boss straightened up. "Well, I've reviewed all of your files. Resume looks promising. When did you exactly..." he glanced back down. "... Volunteer making Nepalese children smile?"

"Does it--does it not say?"

"It does. I just wanted to check you know. That's all."

Y/N swallowed hard. "Well, geez, it was, um... uh." Shit, why would she just put random shit on there? "You know, it was a while ago?" Did he know what I was there for? Did he realize my diploma was fake, or that I never went to UPenn? I didn't even think about somebody doing a background check on me.

Did he know I was there to kill one of his employees?

"Yeah, sounds about right," Mr. Boss shrugged off. "Well, you're hired! You seem to have plenty of experience making people smile, so what else could we need! Plus, we got a quota to meet."

Y/N let out a sigh of relief. "Thank you very much, sir. But, uhh... what's the pay here?"

"Don't you worry about that!" Mr. Boss got up and wrapped his bony arm around her shoulders. "Once you start making people smile, you won't care about the money anymore!"

"O-oh... okay..."

"Let's go meet your new coworkers!"

They made their way down a hallway past several doors. Y/N noticed the walls were in desperate need of a new coat of paint. There was water damage all along the base, all the way down the hallway. The business from the outside seemed to be one of those new 'quirky' style businesses, based on the funky round shape of the building, but from a short walk to the break room she could tell the business had been around long... enough. 

Make Me Smile (Charlie X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now