𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟐𝟎~🥀𝐆𝐮𝐢𝐥𝐭🥀

209 14 4

"Y/N!" Blitzø screamed, honking his horn outside the hotel.

I grumbled under my breath and opened up my window. "WHAT NOW?!" I called down to him.

"WE HAVE A NEW CLIENT!" he yelled back.

"I DON'T GIVE A FUCK!" I flipped him off.


"Argh..." I scoffed, closing the window as I looked over at Angel, who was still sleeping.

I shook him awake. "Angel."

"Hm?" he grumbled.

"I'm heading out," I informed him.

He looked up at me groggily. "M'kay..." he pulled the sheets over his head.

I chuckled and patted his head. "Sleep well."

Angel softly smiled at me, before burying his face back in the sheets.

I grabbed my satchel and headed out the door.


"Took you long enough!" Blitzø said rudely, his feet kicked up on the steering wheel.

I rolled my eyes. "Well excuse me! It's six in the morning. Not all of us are awake this early. Or want to be, for that matter.?"

Blitzø shrugged. "Welp. Sucks," he said harshly.

I sighed.

Blitzø pulled out the new victim's portfolio. I saw it to be a mother of two.

My eyes widened. "Blitzø!! We can't kill her! She's a mom!" I protested.

Blitzø shrugged. "Calm your tits. You've killed plenty of moms before, don't you remember?" he asked me.

I paused before thinking. "I...I guess so..." I muttered.

He grinned. "That's the spirit!"

"I just guess I'm not in the mood today," I said.

Blitzø looked at me for a minute before awkwardly patting my shoulder. "Alright...how about I just take care of it today?"

I hesitated. "Are you sure we have to?"

Blitzø furrowed his eyebrows. "Y/N...since when did you care? You've got a pretty crazy body count!"

I flushed and slumped over. "Well...yeah..."

"Exactly!" he punched me in the arm. "Don't ever go soft on me again..." he shuddered.

I managed out a laugh. "Yeah! Yeah...sorry, don't know what came over me," I shook my head and rolled back my shoulders. "I'll let you take the lead on this kill."

He grinned at me and stepped down on the gas pedal. "'Ata girl!"

I forced a smile back at him.

Okay, Y/N...get yourself together now...


Blitzø and I pulled up into an empty alleyway, he opened the door for me and grabbed his--well, Stolas'--grimoire.

"So where are we going?" I asked him.

Blitzø checked this lady's portfolio. "Says she lives in...Jersey."

I let out a low whistle.

Blitzø opened a portal to Jersey Shore, motioning for me to head in. "After you."

I grinned and him and stepped through, inhaling the fresh ocean air. "This isn't so bad," I said.

Blitzø pulled me around the corner of a public restroom. "Shh! They'll see you, dumbass!"

"Sorry..." I grumbled.

Blitzø's eyes lit up when he saw a rather short, Hispanic woman, with two kids on either side of her.

"Heh...that's our girl," he snickered, loading up his gun.

My eyes widened. "Woah, woah, woah! Can't we just think this through?!"

Blitzø ignored me and grabbed the lady by her wrist, pulling her into a secluded area.

"AHH!" she screamed. "Devils! Satan! HELP!!"

Blitzø rolled his eyes and pinned her to the wall. "If you shut up, we'll kill you faster."

She let out an ear-piercing screech.

Blitzø held his gun to her face and pulled the trigger.

I stood there in utter horror as I watched the scene play out in front of me.

"Wow! That could've been messy!" Blitzø said nonchalantly, throwing her corpse to the ground.

"What about her kids?!" I finally managed to muster.

"What about her husband?" he nudged me. "He can take care of them."

Before I could say anything else, Blitzø pressed a blood-stained finger to my lips and re-opened a portal back to Hell.

He jumped in, canon-ball style. I followed close after before the portal closed behind us, leaving the gruesome scene of a murdered widow behind us.


The car ride back, I gazed out the window, thinking about all that had just happened.

Blitzø was right...I'd never had much of a conscience before...so why do I feel so awful and guilty now?

After thinking long and hard about it, I come into realization that all of this traces back to Alastor.

Ever since I've learned to talk to him--even like him--I've felt more aware of who's dying, and whose lives are being wrecked by us.

Those kids are going to have a fucked up life without their mother, and her husband'll never be the same again after her mysterious death.

I groaned into my hands.

Why can't I get myself together anymore?

What's come over me?

But above all...is this still what I want?


A/N: Updates for this book are now every Sunday and Thursday!

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A/N: Updates for this book are now every Sunday and Thursday!

~angie :D

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