Part-1 The meeting

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So basically I am y/n Rosanne, I am a student of hogwards and in the gryffindor house. First it was hard for me to find friends but then one day I met Hermione Granger and she introduced me to her friends, from then we four are really good friends.

Harry James potter, people say he is the chosen one and the scar on his forehead is given by some voldemort I think. I don't know much about this voldemort but how much I have heard I think he is quite dangerous,

Hermione Granger, she is a muggle, but it doesn't matter to us because she is the most smartest student. I really have a deep friendship with her.

Ronald Weasley, also known as Ron. When I first met him I knew he is really clumsy but cute at the same time. I don't have much to say about him but he really has a positive energy.

Draco Malfoy, nothing to say about this boy, he just messes up with Harry whenever he gets time but now he is quite good then earlier but still evil. He always stares at me as if he is gonna kill me. I hate this boy a lot.

Authors pov

"You were travelling back to Hogwarts after a vacation you four were sitting I the same room of the train. You were sitting with Harry as he is your bestest friend and Hermione was sitting with Ron*

Y/n- so guys, are you excited for the new year at Hogwarts

Harry- oh c'mon, how do you get this energy every yearr

Ron- yeah, she is always really energetic, I hate going back

Hermione- finnally I can take my classes again and enhance my knowledge

Y/n- atleast I'm not like Hermione taking 4 lectures at the same time

Harry- but you are not less than that

"Malfoy intrudes into the room"

Malfoy- so what's going on potter

Y/n - not again

Malfoy- oh so angry chick is also heree

Y/n - stop calling me by that name I fucking hate it

Malfoy- but soon you will love it sweetheart

Harry- Malfoy just leave

Hermione - you should go or I'll complain to professor

Malfoy- *comes near to you* you are just a loser

Y/n- atleast I'm not a fake blonde haired jerk who thinks he is the most good looking

*Malfoy leaves while smirking*

Y/n- oh gosh I hate this boy

Harry- he always messes with us

Hermione - only with you too

Ron- he also messes with us but not as much as you

Y/n- m-malfoy sent me a snap

Harry- he sent it after a really long time

Ron- yeah he sends it to you like from the starting of school year to the end

Hermione - first of all why do you have him on snap

Y/n - wait a min- you have a point

Harry- just open the snap

Harry- just open the snap

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Y/n- wait..... So he is not a fake blonde?

Harry- his hair is always sus

"We reached hogwards and went to our dorms and we were having our dorm meeting"

Harry- so we have a new student in gryffindor

Hermione - yea I heard about him

Ron- him?

Y/n- he is a boy?

Harry- yea he was first in ravenclaw but the magical hat changed its decision

Thomas- what's his name

Harry- it was something like ste- stev-

??- it's Steve Harrington

Y/n - oh so you are the new boy

Ron- come sit here with us

Steve- going to my room

"After sometime everyone left and now it was just four of you, when Malfoy came inside"

Malfoy- potter come with your friends in the main hall, there's an emergency

Harry- but why

Malfoy- just come fast

"You four went to the hall with malfoy, Dumbledore, malfoys dad, mc gonagall, Hagrid, Snape, lily and lurica from raven claw and siria and clarie from Hufflepuff already there"

Dumbledore - Harry Potter, y/n Rosanne, Hermione Granger, Ronald Weasley, Draco Malfoy,Siria clorehed, Clarie shokshon, lurica stevel and lily ray  you all have been summoned here because a goblin has entered Hogwarts. Due to the power of professor mc gonagall she has recieved 

Y/n- but why are we 8 people are here

Dumbledore -  people out of you will be selected to fight the goblin so who wants to participate

Ron- sorry sir, but I have really bad health problems so I will be away from it

Lurica- mee to sir

*At the end only y/n, Malfoy, harry , hermoine , siria and Claire was left*

Dumbledore- you 6 will be summoned tomorrow for training till then you will stay together

Mc gonagall- the room sharing arrangements are harry and hermoine, y/n and Malfoy and clarie and siria, you all may leave to your rooms

Y/n- I cannot believe I share a room with that blondie

Harry- no one can be as unlucky as you

Malfoy- consider yourself lucky angry chick girls are dying to share a room with me

Y/n- I'm not like those others girls

Hermione - stop it guys

Claire- btw, Draco I wonder if I could get your number

Y/n- seriously you are asking his number?

Malfoy- oh so you are jealous sweetheart

Y/n- don't call me that

*You all went to your rooms and you are in the same room with that blondie snake*

Malfoy- trust me y/n I am not as bad as you think

Y/n- really?

Malfoy- yes, I am worse then that

Y/n- oh god

Malfoy- what did you think duhh

Y/n- Draco we should better get along as we are partners

*Draco pulling you by your waist*

Malfoy- for the first time you called me by my name, I don't know what problem you have with me, every girl is obsessed with me but you don't even talk nicely to me

Y/n- I'm not like other girls

Malfoy- really?

Y/n- I'm not like other girls who want to stay with you like a fucking slut, I cannot even stay near you

Malfoy- you are like other girls, you know why?

Y/n- ya tell me why

Malfoy- cause you didn't said me to leave sweetheart

Y/n- *gets away* I was about to tell you

Malfoy- now I'm gonna get my beauty sleep

Y/n- beauty- what?

1064 words duhhhh
Do read my another FF head over heals and give ideas in comments
Love you pookies <3

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