Part-4 obsession

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Y/n- *while leading to dorm* I cannot believe this happened, I have to tell harry and hermoine

Mathew- where are you going princess

Drake- leaving without us

Y/n- not now, just leave me the fuck alone

Mathew- what happened princess, I hope you missed me *comes near your ear* I hope you remember that night

Y/n- Mathew just leave from here

Drake- not now *touching your cheek* not till you give us what we want 

*Malfoy comes from behind and punched him in the face*

Malfoy- stay away from her

*Malfoy took your hand and pulled you to the dorm*

Malfoy- are you hurt somewhere, let me see

Y/n- it's just a little scratch on my face

Malfoy- those bastards, wait let me treat it, feeling better

Y/n- yea

Malfoy- *about to leave*

Y/n- Draco, it was not me who leaked the news

Malfoy- it's no use now, the whole school knows

Y/n- Draco can we talk for a moment please

Malfoy- fine * comes and sits next to you*

Y/n- Mathew was messing up with me because, he once raped me and at that time I didn't knew what to do so I stayed silent, no one in the school knows about it except harry, hermoine and Ron.

Malfoy- oh, I'm -im so sorry to hear that

Y/n- after that night my life became a hell, earlier I used to have a crush on Mathew then he called me to the forest I thought he would confess but he did what I never thought of

Malfoy- why didn't you told it to the teachers

Y/n- I was scared and he blackmailed me that he will tell everyone and after that I forgot about it

Malfoy- but this isn't right I'll tell the-

Y/n- Malfoy you will not tell anyone

Malfoy- but-

Y/n- what I said is what you have to do

Malfoy- okay mam

Harry- *opens door* y/n i- oh Malfoy y/n come with me we need to talk

Y/n- okay

Harry- we heard about what happened to you , are you ok?

Y/n- yeah, I'm ok now

Hermoine - we think that the goblin is Steve

Y/n- the new student?

Harry- yeah because he always stays missing and no one can find him

Y/n- but we need evidence

Hermoine - we will discuss about goblin later but first tell me what is going on between you and Malfoy

Harry- yea, you two look really close

Y/n- it's just

Hermoine and harry- wE aRe jUst gOoD fRiEnDs

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