Part- 5 my lady

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Disclaimer: contains smut

* I went back to my room and harry and hermoine went to the forest to check for the goblin, as I entered I saw Malfoy without his shirt that made his hard as rock abs visible with his platinum blonde hair swirling through his head. He was only in a towel that made to sure that he just took a bath. The water droplets on his chest made me admire him. He saw me seeing him and I suddenly turned around*

Malfoy- enjoying the view?

You- no it's just..............I'll walk out till you can change

Malfoy- *grabs you by your waist* not so early my lady

You- Draco understand, I'll go till the-

Malfoy- woah, so you do not call me by my surname anymore, interesting

You- Draco i-

Malfoy - shshhhh

*He took you into bridal style and laid you down on your shared bed, he slowly starts undressing you leaving you only in your undergarments. He then started kissing you and not long after you started kissing him too *

Malfoy- *in between the kiss* just tell me when to stop and I'll stop

*You were surprised because he actually cared what you wanted and then he started kissing your neck leaving hickeys all over and then moved to your chest area, he then removed his towel and you could feel how hard he was. Seeing him in this condition you went wet*

Malfoy- cannot even wait for me, m'lady?

*He then started teasing you with moving his cock through your pussy*

You- m-malfoy j-just do i-it

Malfoy - well if you want that.........

*He then puts his cock without any warning that made you scream with pain but slowly after the pain started converting into pleasure, this man knows how to pleasure a woman, while fucking you he was kissing your neck and you were going through his hair moaning his name*

Malfoy - I like the m'lady

*After completing the round he gave you something comfy to wear and wearing something too, you were surprised again because at this point the male leaves but he was with you giving you clothes*

Malfoy- y/n just tell me you were on birth control

You- luckily I was

Malfoy- so how was the sex? Was it good?

You- woah I can't believe I, the Draco lucious Malfoy is asking me how was the sex after fucking me

Malfoy- just tell me

You- it was good, you are really good at it

Malfoy- I was my first time though

You- wait....really?

Malfoy- yeah what about you?

You- it was my first time too

Malfoy- woah, I'm glad to be your first

You- so....why did you do it , I mean it's not like I don't wanted it but like out of love or lust?

Malfoy- y/n I've been trying to say this to you since the first time we met. It was too hard for me but I'm saying it now. So y/n its just I love you very much .

You- Malfoy i-

Malfoy- you don't have to force yourself it's just my opinion you can take your time *he tucks himself into his sheets and tries to sleep*

You- stupid, I love you too

Malfoy- wait really? *He hugs you* I'm so happy

You- me too, now let me sleep *you both fell asleep into each other's arms*

"Malfoys pov"

*When I woke up I saw y/n in my arms, she is the most beautiful thing which happened to me. I don't want to lose her then she snuggled into my chest even more and I could feel her breath on my bare chest. *

Malfoy- oh y/n why are you so adorable, I tried my best to hate you because you were from gryffindor but I just could not resist my self

Y/n- I know right I'm so beautiful

Malfoy- were awake?

Y/n- yes and now wake up it's time for classes

*We both got ready and y/n was looking really pretty we both went to the main hall when she went to the gryffindor side and I went to Slytherin side, we were making hundreds of eye contacts and staring each other*

Pansy- what happened Draco? You seem to be lost somewhere

Malfoy - it's nothing

Pansy- when are you going to make a move on y/n? You talk about her everyday and if you got with her I can finally be friends with her

Malfoy- well pansy, actually we fucked last night

Pansy- YOU WHAT!!??

Malfoy- we fucked last night and I told her I love you and she loved me too so we are finally together

Pansy- oh god! Finally and now I can be friends with her

Malfoy- yeah sure

*After having our breakfast we went to our first class which was of defence against the dark arts with Snape, and too my luck y/n also had that class I thought I could sit with her and when she came she was with HARRY? she went with him laughing to the seat next to me sitting with him so pansy sat with me alongside y/n. Y/n was only talking to pansy and too much with Harry. They were being touchy and I couldn't resist it. But i controlled my self and when the class ended it was break so I went to mine and y/n's shared room hoping we could meet. She came in leaving harry from outside the door. I held her by waist and pinned her to the door closing the door*

Malfoy- why were you being so close with Harry and ignoring me the whole class?

Y/n- oh.. so someone was jealous

Malfoy- just give me the answer

Y/n- see it's just we are bestfriends and you can trust me with him

Malfoy- ok I trust you

Y/n- you trusting me makes me in love with you even more

*She then came near me and now pinning me to the wall, she brushed her lips against mine making me want more of her but then she ran to her classes leaving me there. Oh gosh this girl turns me on. With my incomplete desires I went to my next class again which was of mc gonagall and again y/n was in the same class and this time I sat next to her at the last seat before harry which made him go to sit with hermoine.*

Y/n- oh... So someone couldn't resist me

Malfoy- you will pay for what you did

Y/n- oh really I am scared*out of sarcasm*

The goblin killed another student!

1117 words not bad huhhh

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