Chapter One

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Chapter One - Episode One

Medical stuff isn't going to be 100% accurate. I just want a way for Jack to come back to the station.

Six months after the wildfire.

Andy was sitting in her office after shift, sorting through some paperwork that needed to be filled out when there was a knock on the door.

"Come in," Andy called and looked up. The door opened and Vic came in. "Hughes? What can I do for you?"

"I just wanted to ask you if you wanted to come out to drinks with us?" Vic saw Andy's mouth open and raised her hand. "I know. I know. You have the paperwork to do but come on, you haven't really hung out with us since you became captain nine months ago."

"No one has invited me to go," Andy told her. "The only time I've seen any of you outside of work is when we went out to drink at Joe's and Ross and Sullivan's engagement party. If you can even count that." Andy said and looked back down.

Vic looked at Andy. She could see how stressed she was. She saw it when she yelled at Ben and Travis to stop arguing a month before the wildfire, she heard from Travis that she yelled at them when they had the jaws stolen and she had been trying to save their jobs and then there was the injury she suffered that had her out for a month. Even six months later she still had a scar from where she had gotten burned on her neck.

"Cap, you could use a break. Come and let loose with your team." Vic pleaded.

Andy looked down at her paperwork and then back up at Vic. "I could use a break." Andy agreed. "I would love to let loose. But you guys should have time to relax."

Vic frowned. "Just because you're our captain does not mean we won't be able to relax around you. Come on, Herrera. Please." Vic pouted and when she saw Andy's lips pull up she smirked internally. She knew Andy could never resist her pouts. "Please."

Andy nodded. "Mind just waiting for half an hour? We can go over together? I just need to finish this."

Vic nodded and sat down on a chair, letting Andy work she pulled out her phone and just scrolled through apps and any texts she had missed while on shift. 20 minutes had gone by, and Andy was done. She sighed, making Vic look up.

"All done?" Vic asked. Andy nodded. "Go get changed and meet me at my car." Andy nodded again and watched Vic leave before going to the captain's bunk to get changed.


Once they got to Joe's Andy and Vic went to the bar to order some beers and some shots before walking over to the tables where the team was sitting.

"Hey! Look who I convinced to come!" Vic said, skipping over to the table. Everyone turned and when they saw that Vic was with Andy they all smiled and cheered.

"It's about time Hughes. You have some catching up to do. We're already on our third round." Travis joked.

"Well, the fourth round is on me," Andy told them, handing them beers and a club soda to Robert. They cheered and high-fived.

"Hell yeah!"

"Thanks, Cap!"

Andy smiled and waited for the cheers to settle. "I know things have been rocky since the ball. I know things have changed throughout my captaincy and I know I haven't been the same Andy you've known the last several years, but I really hope we can begin to feel like a family again."

"We're always going to be a family, Cap." Andy heard from behind her and when she saw Jack she ran up to him and gave him a hug. "I missed you too, Andy," Jack told her and smiled.

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