Chapter Three

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Chapter Three – Episode Three

*Sorry everyone, this took longer than I would like to get out because after work last night, I was exhausted and passed out.*

Previously: Natasha and Robert announced when they may get pregnant at a team dinner, 19 had a tough call at a foster home, the mother died, Andy helped a woman who wanted to commit suicide and talked her down and Andy and the team went to Joe's and she ended up drinking whiskey, getting a coughing attack and then collapsed.

Andy had just arrived at the hospital in an aid car. Miranda and Meredith were the doctors waiting in the ambulance bay and were surprised to see Andy there, unconscious on a gurney.

"What the hell happened?" Meredith asked, shocked to see Andy for the second time in three days.

"She has been coughing for the last two days and she collapsed at the bar after a coughing fit," Vic explained, having gone to the hospital in the aid car with Andy.

Meredith sighs, knowing it was her fault for not checking her over better.

"What the hell?" Meredith heard from behind her and cringed. She was about to get an earful. "Meredith? What the hell happened?" Amelia asked, anger clear on her face.

"Ams, Vic told me that Andy was coughing and had collapsed and I'm just checking her over now. You know as much as I do right now." Meredith explained.

"Why the hell wasn't she monitored closer when she was here a couple of days ago?" Amelia looked and sounded pissed and it confused Meredith as to why her sister was acting like this, but she sighed, knowing that she should've looked over Andy more thoroughly.

"I don't know. I'm sorry, Ams." Meredith ran a hand through her hair.

"Is she going to be okay?" Amelia asked, walking closer to Andy and looking at the monitors.

"She just has some smoke inhalation. Should be good to release her whenever she wakes up after monitoring her for a few hours." Meredith told her and Amelia just glared at her.


"Maya? What are you doing home? I thought you said you were going to Joe's?" Carina asked, a sleeping Liam in her arms. Maya walked close to Carina and picked up Liam and rocked him gently. Smiling down at her son.

"Andy collapsed at the bar and went to the hospital. Her doctor from a couple of days ago missed how serious her smoke inhalation was and it led to her going to the hospital."

"Did anyone go with her?" Carina asked, surprised that Maya didn't stay with her.

"Vic did. She told us she would let us know how she's doing when she has news. Kind of demanded that I go home, and she would stick around. She's going to call me later" Maya told her, and Carina nodded.

Carina rubbed her cheek gently and kissed her. "I love you."

"I love you too, Car."


At Joe's

"Anyone talk to Vic?" Travis asked.

"Yeah, she said that Andy is going to be okay. She just has some smoke inhalation." Robert said, looking up from his phone.

"Thank god." Travis breathed out. "I'd really appreciate it if she'd stop scaring us," Travis said, thinking back to how she collapsed right in front of them not even four months ago.

"We all would," Robert mumbled but everyone heard.


"Okay, I know I'm pissed at myself for missing this, but why are you pissed at me?" Meredith asked, raising an eyebrow as Amelia continued to watch every move she made.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 05 ⏰

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