Chapter Two

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Chapter Two – Episode Two

Previously: The team went out for drinks. Andy got permission from Amelia and Ross to let Jack work at the station on desk duty and possibly at the clinic. The team fought a high-rise fire together. Andy got hit by a blast when the fire jumped floors but was cleared by doctors.


It was the next day when 19 and Ross decided to go to dinner to spend some time together.

Ross stood up from the table and gently tapped her glass with a fork, gaining everyone's attention.

"So, I wanted to do this dinner, not only as bonding time but because Robert and I have picked a date for the wedding."

"About time," Vic said, and everyone turned to her, surprised. "What? We were all thinking it."

Everyone stayed silent until Andy couldn't hold in her laugh anymore. "Sorry. Sorry. But she isn't wrong." Andy spoke and the rest of the table laughed. "So, when is the wedding?" Andy asked while her laughing had turned into coughing.

"Robert and I both love Christmas. So, we decided that we'd have a winter wedding." Natasha stopped talking, still hearing Andy coughing. "Herrera, you okay?" Natasha asked and when she saw Andy nod she continued. "We still need to figure out the location, but it'll be in a couple of months," Ross told everyone, a huge smile on her face.

"Aw," Maya said, and everyone looked at her.

"What? Am I not allowed to find things cute?" Maya blushed, not expecting the sudden attention.

"Out of all the people to say "aw" I doubted that it would be you," Sean said, and Andy laughed.

"Well, I agree. She's always been a hard ass." Andy said and everyone laughed, Carina rubbed her wife's back, holding in her laugh.

"Oh, don't act like you're not also one, Herrera." Maya teased back.

"I'm a badass. Not a hard ass." Andy joked and everyone laughed. Once the laughter died down Andy stood up with her glass. "I just want to say congratulations to Robert and Natasha. After all the drama you've gone through, you deserve all the happiness in the world." Andy raised her glass. "To Robert and Natasha."

"To Robert and Natasha." Everyone repeated. Robert stood up and walked over to hug Andy, Natasha following suit shortly after.


Andy, Maya, Vic and Travis were sitting in the beanery eating breaking when Ben and Robert came storming in.



Both of them yelled and Andy looked up, an eyebrow raised.

"What's up, guys?" Andy asked, trying not to laugh at how they were both trying to catch their breath.

"So, we were working out, trying to outdo each other." Robert had to stop talking to try to catch his breath.

Ben took over. "We wanted to know if we could..." Before Ben could continue the alarms went off.

Engine 19, Ladder 19, Aid car 19. 2156 Pine Street. Structure fire.

Andy and everyone else rushed into the trucks and began the drive to the house.

"Alright everyone listen up! It's a three-floor house. I want Sullivan, Larsson and Richards on fire attack and in pairs the following will be on search and rescue. Bishop and Zamora third floor, Hughes and Ruiz on the second floor, and Amaya and Beckett on the first floor. Montgomery and Cutler, get to the roof to ventilate. Copy?"

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