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❝  𝖸𝗈𝗎 𝗌𝖾𝖾𝗆 𝗈𝗎𝗍 𝗈𝖿 𝗽𝗹𝗮𝗰𝗲 ❞

" what are you doing here?" Geto furrowed his eyebrows. Your lips quivered in seeing your friend. Only your feet glided towards him, seemingly by its own

" I can't believe it's you." You could only mutter, embracing Geto ever so tightly. Large hands cup your shoulder

" me too." He could only rejoice
How did you get here just now? You couldn't remember.

" wait, your not suppose to be here" Geto backed away from the hug, looking rather frightened. " what do you mean? Where am I?" You observe the school environment

It only now dawned on you that you were wearing your old school uniform. " what.." you picked at the fabric, hearing Geto's frustrated sighs

" it's too soon [y/n]. You have to return to the real world" Geto's hands touched both sides of your shoulder

You were forgetful, not remembering anything. Everything felt like a dream, " isn't this the real world.." your words made Geto's heart ache

" no. We are on the border of life and death, your body is fighting for survival" Geto's tone sounded serious

" life and death? Am I dead?" You look at the flowers that seemed to surround you. " wait your.." you couldn't say it. Your mind suddenly remembered  Geto's inevitable end.

" my time is done, I died a long time ago." Geto snapped you back into the harsh reality. You finally remembered why you were here now

" then I am dead?" You asked again, your words seeming faint. Geto could only nod slowly so you wouldn't panic

" yes and no, right now you are still a solid being. Your soul is fighting to stay awake." Geto only informed

" and how do I get back to the real world?" You were ill at imagining the aftermath of your perils. " I'm not sure, but I have an idea that could work. But it will not be easy" Geto hypothesised

You take a deep breath, listening to what he had to say. " you have to go through a a white border to the real world." Geto tried to summarise in one breath

"...but don't worry I'll help you" Geto's hand cupped your warm cheek

" alright. Thank you." You silently responded. Half of your mind was trying to digest all the information you were exposed too

" don't worry, I'll guide you" Geto reassured again, gently holding your hand, " but you must not let go, or you'll be lost here forever. And we have to get there by dawn" Geto pointed at the rising sun.

The light makes your eyes squint.
You didn't know if you could trust him. Yet he was your only best bet.


𝗔𝗚𝗔𝗜𝗡? - 𝗀𝗈𝗃𝗈 𝗑 𝗋𝖾𝖺𝖽𝖾𝗋 Where stories live. Discover now