Chapter 1

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Third Person's Pov. 

-6 years ago-

"Come on Emma, we're going to miss it!!!" 11 year old Spencer giggled at Emma as they ran down the hallway of Avenger's Tower which lead to the main living room. 

"Spencer! Wait up!" Emma cried as she ran after her adopted sister. 

Spencer didn't pay any attention to Emma and continued to giggle as she ran down the hall never stopping or slowing down until she reached the living room window which over looked the city of New York.

"I don't get why you are so excited about this," Emma sighed as she walked over to Spencer and stood to her right side. 

"Because! It's always awesome when the quinjet comes flying in! Plus! I want to see if they brought any souvieners back! You know for the souvienir room!" Spencer responded as she pressed her nose to the bullet proof glass that seperated her from a 80 story drop or more. 

"Why do you want a souviner so bad? It's not like the Avengers are short on battles," Emma huffed crossing her arms over her chest. 

"That's the point, they fight so many battles half the time they forget the small ones! Now with my souniver room they can always have something to remind them of the small victories! Plus! Emma consider it, we're the first souviners, we're from the Battle above New York!" she explained. 

Emma opened her mouth to answer only to be cut off by Spencer who cried, "THEIR BACK!" at the sight of the quinjet zooming back towards the tower. 

Spencer ran towards the elevator with Emma right on her heels. The two 11 year old girls waited unpatiently in the elevator, Spencer tapped her foot the entire time on the ride up. Finally the doors opened allowing the two to exit. 

The two ran out onto the landing pad with smiles glittering on their faces even as the wind created from the quinjet wipped their hair into their faces. The ramp of the Quinjet lowered and the roaring of the engines died down as did the wind created by it.

Spencer and Emma ran over to the ramp to be greated by Hawkeye who had his bow in his fist and his quiver still strapped onto his back. Following after him was Bruce Banner who quickly avoided them and walked to the elevator. 

"What's up with Uncle Bruce?" Spencer pouted unhappy that the man version of the Hulk had ignored her. 

"Spencer, you know that Bruce likes to be alone after a mission where he hulks out. He needs to meditate, he's afraid of hurting you two, but he does love you," Clint explained. 

"I know..." Spencer sighed before swinging back to her normal bubbly attitute, "Did you bring back anything!?" she quipped at her uncle who chuckled lightly. 

At that exact moment Peter Parker walked out of the quinjet a backpack made of his own webbing on his shoudlers. 

Emma glanced at the boy who had become like her older brother, "What's in the bag?" she asked pointing at it. 

Peter smiled at the two girls who watched him as he opened the bag and pulled out a golden horn that was curled. 

"What is that!?" Spencer questioned as Peter handed it to her.

"Ya!?" Emma added looking at it. 

"Well Hulk had a little fun with Loki and threw him into a wall and one of his horns snapped off, the little tick got away though, but we thought you would like this for the souviner room!" Peter explained as he closed the backpack and smiled down on the two girls.

"SWEET!" Spencer cheered. 

-Present Day-

Emma sighed as she set the rusted golden horn back in its place on the shelf of the Souviner Room. She never completely got why Spencer loved this room so much. She only got a glimpse into the mind of her sister that day about why souviners were so imporant, only now did she fully understand. 

These were memories, Spencer wanted a way to keep memories, just incase any of the Avengers died, she would have a way to remember them by, the stories behind the souviners and what missions they came from, a way to respect the past without hanging on to it so much. 

Emma only understood now because she was doing that now, with Spencer. 

It had been 2 weeks since her death and it still stung. The funeral had been only less then a week ago and the scene of her sister getting vaporized was still fresh in her mind. Everytime she tried to sleep or closed her eyes for more then 5 minutes the scene would replay over and over again in her head. It was a nightmare that wouldn't go away. 

Emma had barely gotten any sleep in the past week since the funeral, everytime she tired the nightmare came. 

That would explain why she was up at 3:30 AM, no one else in the tower was up at this time.

Emma sighed again, she had been doing that a lot in the time since Spencer had died. She turned and walked out of the souviner room and back to her own which was across the hall from Spencer's room, she hadn't been in their since New Years a month ago. She wouldn't dare go into Spencer room, it would cause her to cry again, and if she went in their she would just expect Spencer to walk out of the bathroom, a baggy t-shirt on, no pants, and a toothbrush in her mouth. That was always what Spencer was doing 10 minutes before they were suppose to leave for school. She always managed to get ready within 15 minutes though, Emma never knew how she did it. She probably never would now that Spencer was dead. 

Emma stared at the door to Spencer's Room for a nother solid 10 minutes before sighing once more and walking into her own room.

Now it was 4:00 AM and Steve Rogers would be walking up in like an hour, Emma didn't want to talk to anybody. For the past week Emma had been avoiding everyone, She would eat and grab food early in the morning then do something till around 4:00-4:30 AM before heading back to her room for the entire day to morn, she was the only one who was truely still morning now. 

The Avengers had to go back to fight and protect the world, they couldn't grieve, they didn't have the time to truely grieve like Emma was. 

That was part of the reason Emma had started ignoring everyone, no one was grieving over Spencer's death, no one missed her in her opinion. 

So Emma layed down on her bed and stared up at the ceiling, replaying every memory of spencer she could remember. 


Spencer had been treking through the snow for 5 hours, it had been 6 since she had woken up though. The first hour had been spent replaying memories in her head, at least she thought it had been 6 hours, it was hard to tell time without a watch and wher the sun was when it was being blocked by heavy snow clouds. Normal she could do this without problem, but at the moment she had seemed to forgotten how to!

At the moment she was just simply glad that her combat boots hadn't been vaporized along with the bottem portion of her pants, they kept the snow out pretty good since they were water proof, but they didn't exactly keep out the cold that came withe the 3 feet of snow she was treking through. 

The wind blow Spencer's hair into her face even though it was tied back. 

Spencer contrinued to trek not knowing the direction she was heading in, she only wanted to find civilization and get back to her sister.

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