Chapter 3

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-5 years ago-

"I Still don't get why we have to go to school! Can't you just continue to homeschool us!?" Spencer pleaded.

"YA!" Emma added snapping at Uncle Tony and Uncle Steve who had just told the girls that they would be going to public school at mid town junior high.

The girls were 11 at this time and had been living with the avengers for about a little over a year now. In that time period they had rarely left the tower. The team didn't want the media to know that they had adopted two girls, everytime they went out they were hidden and heavily discized. Now hearing that they would be going to school the girls were furious, they liked their life the way it was now. They didn't want any changes.

"Because, at this point we want you two to have a semi normal childhood," Uncle steve replied in a flat and serious voice.

"But we don't want a normal childhood! I like being taught collage level astrophysics! Normal school can't teach me that!" Spencer groaned, "Plus! Then I can't use my powers when I like!"

"That's another point. Going to School will teach you two control of your powers," Uncle Tony added.

"We're not goign to change your mind no matter what are we?" Emma sighed.

And that was how one week later the two girls were getting ready for their first day of 6th grade. Normally the two would be going into 5th grade but since the two were so smart they were allowed to skip a grade, not that anybody need to know that they were actually past collage level smart.

Spencer was dressed in long navy blue jeans like she always was and was wearing a white t-shirt that said You don't know what you have until you clean your room. Meanwhile Emma was dressed in black jeans and a nice white blouse.

"Alright! You girls ready!?" Pepper potts asked the girls who nodded. Pepper would be taking the girls to school along with Happy in the teams' minivan that way no people from the media would follow them.

The three women took the elevator down to the garage where Happy was waiting for them.

The two sat in their seats in the back and Pepper sat in the front. It took 20 minutes to get to the school and when they got to the middle school the doors were already flooding with people.

"Alright! Remember! Your Aunt Wanda or Uncle Clint will pick you up! But if there's a change in plans we'll text you!" Pepper stated from she and Happy drove off.

Spencer and Emma turned towards the school after watching the minivan drive off.

"Who's class are you in?" Spencer asked her sister after they had gotten their schedules.

"Ms. Taylor's, You?" Emma replied.

"Ms. Lawlor," Spencer answered a frown growing on her face.

"Hey, it's going to be alright, we'll see each other at recess, ok?" Emma responded smiling and setting a hand on her sister's shoulder.

"Ya, your right, nothing is ever going to split us apart right?" Spencer chuckled.

"Nothing! We'll always have each other!"


"We'll always have each other," Emma mumbled as she ran her thumb over the glass that covered the picture of her and Spencer that she had in a frame what usually sat next to her bed.

It was almost 1 pm in the afternoon and Emma was still alone in her room. She rarely left her room anymore. It had been 5 weeks since Spencer's dead.

Then there was a knock on the door.

"Emma?" asked a voice.

Emma turned her head to look at the voice to see her Aunt Wanda standing at the door.

"Hey Aunt Wanda," Emma mumbled setting the picture back on the bedside table making sure that it didn't fall forward or take up to much space.

"Emma... it's time you started being around people again... we've given you the space you've needed but it's time to start talking about it. You don't have to be alone Emma... you have us," Wanda spoke as she walked over to Emma and sat on the edge of her bed.

Emma turned her head away from her aunt not wanting to look her in the eyes.

"Emma," Wanda sighed stroking her niece's hair, "You don't have to do this alone, you know that right?"

"I know," Emma sighed, "But I feel like I'm completely alone... Spencer, she was my other half Aunt Wanda... It doesn't feel right that I'm alive and she's... not..."

"I know... you feel as if you should be with her, or that it should have been you," Wanda spoke softly continuing to stroke Emma's hair.

"It should have been!" Emma belted out tears starting to fill her eyes.

Wanda sighed a small frown growing on her face as she pulled Emma into her chest and cratteled her like she was a baby and didn't say anything.

"I miss her... I miss her so much," Emma sobbed into her aunt's chest.

Wanda rubbed small circles on Emma's back and sighed once more, "I miss her too, but we can't bring her back, we have to except that."

Wanda didn't want to tell Emma that the world had found out about Spencer, that videos had been released of her dieing onto the internet, that people had put together that Emma and Spencer were the daughters of the avengers and were infinity stones. She also didn't want to tell her that downstairs were about 15 Spencer want to be's who were trying to claim they were the real Spencer. Emma didn't need that right now.

Emma didn't respond and just continued to cry finally letting out all her emotions.


"Thank you so much again," Spencer spoke as she hugged the old women from the Gas Station goodbye.

"It was my pleasure honey, and I wish you the best of luck in getting back home," the old women replied.

Spencer nodded a goodbye as she threw the gym bag full of clothes and money over her shoulder.

Spencer walked over to the bus that was waiting for her and climbed on before taking a seat. She was going home.

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