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Encounter with the Unseen

Thomas lay on the grass, gazing up at the grey sky as if it held the secrets of the universe. Accepting Aragon as his new home was a surprise he hadn't anticipated. It marked the beginning of his journey, introduced by his cousin to a land where legends came alive. Here, he found more than just a place to belong; he found a family that embraced him wholeheartedly.

Yet, amidst this newfound happiness lurked a fear he couldn't shake — the revelation of his secret as a hybrid. The Council of Star, enforcing the draconian anti-Hybrid law across all Lilium nation, posed a constant threat. A prophecy that foretold a hybrid would bring ruin to all supernatural races, a notion the Council feared above all else.

Despite these dangers, Thomas found solace in Shade, a community in Wuldruss that accepted him despite his true nature. They valued individual security over blind obedience to laws.

To protect himself, Thomas uses advanced mist to conceal his hybrid nature from those who would eagerly hand him over to the Council; and only a selected few knew his secret - his cousin, Clarice and the Shade's alpha's family who adopted him as their own.

As he lay on the grassy expanse of the West High University, Thomas observed students lounging around, unaffected by the impending stormed signalled by the greying sky. Unlike them, he wasn't seeking refuge from the rain; he simply wanted to rest and reflect on the past years.

Positioned under a sprawling tree at the lawn's edge, he rested his head against its sturdy roots, arms folded behind his head. Closing his eyes, memories flashed before him like scenes from a film.

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Thomas sat alone on the first row of bleachers, the weight of exhaustion evident in his heaving sighs. His muscles were tense, his clothes soaked with sweat, and he felt unwell after staying behind following practice. Leaning forward with elbows on his knees, he tried to calm himself, taking in his surroundings. Suddenly, he felt a heightened sense of awareness—every detail of the swaying grass and the gentle touch of the wind on his skin became vivid. His hearing sharpened, and unfamiliar scents filled his senses. These heightened perceptions had been increasingly intense over the past few days, but what troubled him most was the escalating discomfort he felt in his current situation.

Something had changed within him.

Not long ago, he hadn't been this sensitive or affected.

He could feel it deep within—a nagging sensation as if something were trying to emerge. His body ached and tightened, strange sensations like teeth growing, back pain as if something needed to break free, stinging eyes, and an inner fire that refused to die down.

He had no words for what was happening to him. Every night, the nagging sensation returned without fail, driving him to the edge of sanity.

"Thomas Stayre."

He froze, startled out of his thoughts by a voice calling his name. Looking around, he saw no one nearby; even the field was deserted.


The voice called again, unmistakably not human, sending a shiver down his spine. A cold wind swept by, but the trees and bleachers remained still. Goosebumps prickled his skin as the realization sank in—he was not alone; something unseen was with him.


The voice sounded more urgent this time. He tensed, feeling a numbing coldness wash over him once more. Just as panic gripped him, relief flooded in as he saw his best friend, Louis, approaching.

He relaxed slightly, turning back to the trees now swaying gently in the warm afternoon breeze, the eerie chill and heavy atmosphere dissipating as if he had been in another dimension moments before Louis arrived.

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