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Awakening in Shadows

Time passed since his transformation, and Thomas remained rooted in place, overwhelmed by the whirlwind of revelations. He had unwittingly entered a world where ancient races fought not just for survival, but for peace and order. The distant rumblings from the southwest side of the house jolted him from his thoughts, prompting a surge of questions. What had just occurred? Since the day of his transformation, Thomas had grappled with the unfamiliar, the eerie feeling that he had changed—not into someone new, but into something entirely unexpected.

Another rumble shattered his contemplation, accompanied by cries and the clash of combat. Without hesitation, Thomas dashed out of the house, stumbling upon a skirmish between his kin and the undead, bloodthirsty foes. His roar echoed through the chaos as he lunged into battle against the nearest adversary.

"Clarice," Thomas called out through their mental link, urgency tinged with concern. "Clarice!" No response came. "Clarice!" Thomas's voice reverberated with commanding authority, even as he fought fiercely. "Where are you? Where's my mom?"

"Thomas," Clarice's voice trembled with sorrow. "I'm hiding at the school library. They ambushed us during our escape. I fought back, but they're relentless." Her words conveyed the gravity of their situation.

"Are you alone?" Thomas's voice turned cold, a testament to the weight of their predicament. "Get to the forest in front of the school field," he instructed sharply. "Find the largest tree with a massive root on its left side, concealed by foliage. There's a cabin across the meadow. Wait for me there, but first, gather clothes and money from my locker. Ensure you're not followed."

Returning to the battle with renewed focus, Thomas wrestled with conflicting thoughts until a commanding voice pierced his mind like a thunderclap. "Enough!" it demanded, halting Thomas in his tracks. "Listen to him, Thom," another voice urged, compelling Thomas to release his grip on the last adversary.

"Who are you?" Thomas demanded, his senses heightened by the revelation unfolding around him.

"I am Gilbert," the voice responded calmly. "Your wolf identity, your other half. Every werewolf possesses one. You've been claimed by an alpha. You must heed his call willingly, or we all suffer."

Thomas surveyed the pack of werewolves encircling him, absorbing their presence and Octavian's authoritative demeanor. "What does this mean?" Thomas questioned, his frustration mounting as he confronted the tangled web of lies, truths, and newfound responsibilities.

"I am Octavian," the largest werewolf, presumably the alpha, announced through their mind link. "Cousin to your father, Valentine. This is Alexander, my beta. You are one of us, destined from birth."

Anger surged within Thomas, a potent mix of confusion and defiance. "I belong to no one!" he roared, his gaze locking onto Octavian with unwavering intensity. "I will not be ordered around. I belong to myself."

The tension hung thick in the air as Thomas asserted his independence, challenging the expectations thrust upon him by heritage and fate. Each word spoken echoed with the weight of his newfound identity and the daunting path ahead.

The entire pack watched in silence as Thomas and Octavian faced off, awaiting the alpha's signal. However, Alexander, the beta, struggled to contain his frustration at Thomas's disrespectful behavior. To Alexander, Thomas seemed recklessly defiant, showing no appreciation for the pack's sacrifices. He was simultaneously infuriated and astonished by this rogue's unprecedented strength and commanding presence, sensing a depth beyond mere appearance. "Can't you show some gratitude for our help?" Alexander growled, his voice tight with restrained anger as he stepped forward.

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