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Into the Hidden Passage

Thomas drove alone, having parted ways with Louis and dropped off his sister at the mall near their house. As he drove, the unusual and heavy atmosphere returned, unsettling him for the third time that day. Memories of the incidents at the field and in the locker room flashed through his mind, but his immediate concern was the chill he felt, despite the car heater being on full blast in the heavy rain.


Startled, Thomas accidentally hit the brake as he heard the girl's voice again, causing him to stop the engine. To his disbelief, when he glanced at the passenger seat, the girl was sitting there, facing him.

His breath caught when the girl lowered her hood to reveal her face.

"W-who are you?" Thomas managed, trying to steady his voice. "Why are you following me?"

Ignoring his questions, the girl spoke urgently. "Quick. Drive home, now," her tone was commanding, her expression serious. "They're coming."

Thomas's heart raced. "Who's coming? What do you mean?" he demanded.

"QUICK!" the girl shouted, and to Thomas's astonishment, the car began moving on its own, accelerating without his touch. Outside the window, everything blurred past, yet there were no angry honks from other drivers or police cars chasing them—nothing to indicate their speed was abnormal. Thomas stared at the girl, but she seemed unfazed by her own actions.

"Who are y-"

"I'm Clarice," the girl interrupted before he could finish his question.

"How do you know me? Why are you here?" Thomas pressed, urgency coloring his voice. He needed answers, and he needed them now.

"Later. Right now, we need to save your parents," Clarice said firmly, her gaze unwavering, and Thomas froze, realization sinking in. He recalled the odd behavior of his parents earlier that day, the strange occurrences, and now Clarice's appearance.

"Give me your hand," Clarice commanded, reaching for Thomas's right hand before he could object. He tried to pull away, but her grip was firm. From the inside pocket of her cloak, she withdrew a glowing golden stone-stick. Pressing its tip against Thomas's skin, it emitted a cold burn as it traced a smooth pattern.

"What are you doing?" Thomas asked, alarmed by the sensation. "What is that thing?"

"A stele," Clarice answered briskly, pulling her hood back up. "Those are runes, not tattoos. They'll make you silent and invisible when you need it."

Thomas frowned, puzzled. "Silent and invisible?"

"It's true. You're a hybrid," Clarice continued as if analyzing data. "The runes didn't harm your skin. I sensed your essence—a werewolf. The legends are true."

"What are you talking about?" Thomas shook his head in disbelief, struggling to comprehend.

"Get out," Clarice ordered, already exiting the car. Thomas blinked, realizing they had arrived at his home. Without hesitation, he followed Clarice towards the house. He didn't know who Clarice really was or where she had come from, but a compelling urge drove him to trust her and heed her instructions—to save his parents.

As they reached the porch, Clarice suddenly halted, causing Thomas to snap out of his thoughts. A loud crash echoed from inside the house, accompanied by angry voices. Before Thomas could rush in, Clarice grabbed his arm, reminding him urgently, "You're soundless and invisible to supernatural beings only, Thomas. Be cautious about what you touch. They might sense our presence. Unlike me, you can't easily pass through barriers."

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