Chanel is a cold and reserved woman. Climbing your way up, alone into this world of rich and fake people isn't great, but sometimes it's the only way to survive when you're on your own. And doing that at 15 years old may sound easy but after you gro...
"Hurry up everybody. Miss Chanel is coming and she isn't happy at all!" a desperate woman yelled, her voice echoing in the enormous company
Everyone was agitated. Some people tried to arrange everything as quick as possible, while others tried to finish their work praying not to get fired. The lavender tea was waiting on the desk spreading a calming smell.
Suddenly the door opened and everyone was silent trying to move out of her way as quietly as possible.
Chanel's pov
I entered my office and sat at my desk.
"Here is the list of invitations for the new partnership party "Emma, my assistant said
I threw a glance at the list only to be meet by the name "Elina Torren". Are this people that useless?
"I thought we discussed about who i want to attend the gathering."I hated people who couldn't do their job properly. Not even when it's simple as hell! She looked at me agitated and answered:
"Yes, i know but she said- "
"Is she your boss?Chief? "I interrupted her "Cause if she is then why are you here? "I guess someone's getting fired today and the day didn't even start.
"N-No, i just thought-"
"Why are you still here? You listened to her which means i'm not your boss, well anymore. Au revoir "i said and took a sip out of my tea
"But please-"
"Oh, you are still here. Maybe i wasn't clear enough or you don't know basic french. Au revoir, means goodbye which means you're fired! "she wanted to say something but she made the right choice of controlling herself and stormed off
The day went on with people coming up with hideous ideas, messing up everything but eventually it was time to go home. I opened the door and entered only to be met by a sight of a messy and dirty house. Bags of chips and crumbs everywhere. Clothes laying on the floor and on the sofa" Aiden! "i yelled annoyed by his messy behaviour
"Welcome back sis! How was France? Avez-vous eu du plaisir? Rencontré quelqu'un? "(Did you had fun?Met someone?)
"You have ten minutes to clean this horrible mess or i'll shove everything in your mouth. Your choice! "I said. Was it that hard to tidy up after you eat?
"Donc je suppose que ça ne s'est pas bien passé? " (So i guess it didn't went well)
"Arrêter de parler et commencer à nettoyer!" (Quit talking and start cleaning!) I said and started walking to my room. He just scoffed but finally started to tidy up. I swear that sometimes i feel the need to strangle him, even though he's my brother. I let myself fall onto the bed and closed my eyes for a bit. It felt calming.
"Sis? Where shall i put my socks? "Aiden asked. Sometimes he sounds so dumb. I just ignored him "Une certaine sœur que vous êtes.." (Some sister you are..) he said but once again i pretended like i didn't hear him and fortunately he gave up and left. After some time i managed to fall asleep
I woke up around 18 since i had a dinner to attend. I forced myself up and entered my dressing to choose an outfit:
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I went downstairs and luckily Aiden made sure that everything is cleaned, but there was no sight of him. Anyways i put on a pair of black boots and went out towards my car.
Once i got to the restaurant i entered and sat down at the my table. In front of me was sitting a girl that had no more that 15 years.
"I think you got the wrong table. "I said to her
"You are Chanel Leblanc? My name is Myra Smith. I want to apply for the assistant job. " The girl said
"When i came here i thought i'll meet an adult. Not a child with a dream. "I said coldly. "What are you? 15?"
"Actually sixteen, but i assure you, i am smart and i learn fast. Age doesn't have to define my knowledge! "She seemed so sure on herself, it was actually surprising. And i agreed with her. Age really doesn't define what you know.
"Not even an adult manages to do good at their job. How are you different? "I said. I was intrigued by her.
"Well i may not seem the type of girl that is resourceful, but i've been designing and working in this category since i was little. "She said pleading me to say yes
"This conversation is clearly a waste of time." I said and got up
"At least look at my CV and if you still don't consider it right i will stop contacting! " She said seeming determined. I eyed her up and down and sat back down grabbing the CV
Alessia pov
It took me hours to convince Luca to let me apply for this job while we are in New York. I've always been a fan of Chanel's art and taste. I read every magazine from the category "RichWay". We weren't safe in Italy so we decided to establish here, in New York until we could go back there. That's why for now my name will be Myra since it's not safe to tell my name. I looked at her with pleading eyes hoping she would consider hiring me. Convincing Luca wasn't easy at all
"Please Luca, i promise i won't put myself in danger. After all it's just a job. Chanel needs an assistant and you know i've always dreamt of this! "I whined trying to convince him.
"Alessia, we are going there to be safe, not to get a job because you feel like meeting a girl who won't even pay a glance at you!"
"Yes she will, if you let me apply at least. And also every time she hires someone she meets them face to face. So she will look at me "i exclaimed. He gave me an uninteresting look while Rafaelo was watching our discussion amused.
"Rafaelo, tell him!"
"Come on Luca, that way we will be able to do our business without her interrupting us every time. "Luca gave us both a glare but eventually nodded and i jumped happily
"But you will go by another name! "
"Okay, yes, of course "i ran to my room to pack. "Miglior giorno di sempre! "(Best day ever) I yelled
End of flashabck Chanel pov:
The girl really was talented but hiring a child? I sighed. "You have one chance. Don't blew it "i said and watched her eyes lit up with spark. I got up and left. While i was walking in the misty night i felt my hand being grabbed pulling me into an alley. I saw a guy dressed in black. He pinned me to the wall pointing a knife at my throat.
"Angelina. It's nice to finally meet you. I'm sorry for having to do this now, but look at the good part. You will join your parents. "He said in a mischievous tone and pressed the knife deeper making a little cut when a gunshot was heard and the man fell dead on the floor. I looked at the person who saved my life. But still he had a gun, which meant i wasn't safe either.
I took a step back. Out of the shadow appeared another man. He looked....handsome. Different." Thank you "
"He looked at me for a few seconds then disappeared. I sighed and quickly sprinted to my house. I entered only to be meet by darkness. Probably Aiden was sleeping. I went into my room and turned on the lights. I looked in the mirror and touched the cut on my neck. I sighed clearing my thoughts. I changed and did my night routine and after that i drifted to sleep.
Authors note I know this is a short chapter but still i hope you'll like it ❤️