Birthday Surprise

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(Your POV)
You fluttered your eyes open after being woken up by a cold breeze coming through the window. You looked over at your boyfriend Niall who was still sleeping peacefully, you turned around and grabbed your phone of the night stand and stared flicking through Twitter reading all the birthday messages from fans of Niall and your friends. You dropped your phone in a puddle a few days ago and it was so slow so you decided to save up for a new iPhone 6 with your birthday money. You were about to put your phone away when (Y/B/F/N) texted you freaking out and telling you to go on Twitter . You had already been on Twitter but went back on to see what she was freaking out about . After about 3 minutes of scrolling through your notification you noticed a tweet from Bruno Mars wishing you a happy birthday . You stared freaking out and jumped out of bed when Niall woke up rubbing his eyes .

"What's wrong babe" Niall mumbled while getting out of bed , "BRUNO MARS WISHED ME A HAPPY BIRTHDAY " you screamed excitedly . "Congratulations" Niall said standing up and walking over to you , he picked you up in his arms and brought you back to bed sitting you on his lap . "And now you can have a happy birthday from me" Niall whispered in your ear , the feeling of his warm breath on your neck sent shivers down your spine . You knew your friends were coming over soon because they promised to bring you out for your birthday so you got off Niall and told him to wait until tonight . You were walking to the en suite and could feel him giving you the puppy dog eyes behind your back but you ignored it and continued making your way to the bathroom .

After you showered you went back in to your room and as soon and you opened the bathroom door you could smell and breakfast coming from down stairs . You glanced over to the bed and saw a lovely layout of presents , there were four different pink bags with pink balloons tied in bunches on each bag. You opened the first bag and took out a beautiful pair of denim skinny jeans and a lovely pink fitted belly top , you knew Niall loved you in belly tops as they show your figure . In the next bag you took out a shoe box which read converse , you couldn't believe he got you converse , you opened the box which revealed amazing white converse . The next bag had another shoe box inside which read Nike on it , you opened the box and couldn't believe it , Niall got you the Nike Roshes you had been wanting for ages but couldn't find them in your size anywhere . The last bag was small and had a wrapped box inside , you unwrapped the box to find that Niall had got you and iPhone 6 ! You couldn't believe you eyes when you saw it !

You dropped the phone in the bed and immediately ran down to the kitchen jumping into Nialls arms thanking him for everything . Next you sat down to enjoy pancakes Niall had made for you and after you went upstairs to get ready to go out with your friends . You decided to wear the new outfit Niall got you and you wore your white converse , to be fair the outfit look amazing , you knew Niall must have had some help picking it out . You did you hair and make up and turned around to see Niall looking at you , "oh my wow" we're the only words that came out of Niall mouth . You thanked him again for all the presents and you grabbed your new phone went down stairs with Niall to set it up while you were waiting for the girls to pick you up .
Around fifteen minutes later you heard the car outside so you have Niall a kiss and told him you would see him later . You ran out the door and hopped into the back seat of your friends car , they were all hugging you and wishing you a happy Birthday and you told them everything Niall did for you . They were all so jealous and you still couldn't believe what Niall got you for you birthday but what you didn't realise that wasn't even half of it .

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