4. little vampire

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Next morning :-

Anna's pov:-

I just woke up. It's early morning. The sun is not up yet. I slept late last night. I was thinking what Tanya told me yesterday. The 'soldiers' that she described, are known to me very well. They were the dead ones, the devil God army. He is my worst enemy. Now I know why her wounds took time to heal. But I wonder what does he wants from vileasia? And also her necklace looked oddly familiar to me but I cannot put my finger on the piece of memory.

I brushed my thoughts off. I need to go into the forest to get some herbs and some fresh fruits for breakfast. I have to come back before Tanya wakes up. With that I got up from my bed to start the day.

I am ready to head out now but as soon as I opened the door a bucket fall on my head. Ugh!
"what the hell.!!!!" I screamed and heard someone laughing and I know who is it. I removed the bucket from my head. As soon as I did she laughed even louder. "Accio..." a mirror appeared in front of me....My pretty hair now covered in dry leads.... "AHH.... SAHANA!...My pretty hair.....its all messy because of you!"

"hahahaha..... Anna look extra pretty right now. You know I woke up early this morning just to prank you. Look it worked." she said still laughing at my condition. Ugh I hate this kid. I glared at her and she stopped laughing. "OK OK don't be sulky. I will fix it.' my hair glow white as she said the spell and the leafs disappeared. I signed in relief. "don't do that again you little monster. "

"hey I am a beautiful vampire not a monster. " sassy much. "yeah yeah whatever. " I rolled my eyes. "sorry my beautiful Anna. I won't do it again. (a lie of course)..... Please forgive me" ugh those puppy eyes. "OK ....don't do that again." I warned her knowing very well that she won't listen. She is the naughtiest here. "thank you." she said and giggled. "so Anna is that girl alright now?" she asked me suddenly concerned. "yes she is alright. She woke up last night. We talked a bit. I am certain that her wounds will totally heal today."

"that's great I can't wait to meet her." she said excitedly. "I can see you are so excited but don't play your pranks on her, she is new here." she just smiled.

"anyways as you are here, come with me. I am going into the forest to get some herbs and fruits. Help me with that."

"my sweet Anna, how about I stay here and watch the girl. What if she wakes up when you are gone?" ah I see what she is trying to do but. "No you are coming with me and that's final. Moreover, rine is here for her. She is still sleeping but will wake up soon. I know what you are trying to do but you failed and this is a punishment for the little prank you did earlier." I smirked.

"NO.... Please...you will make me hold all your heavy stuffs. " she whines.

"little lady you have no choice. Come on or I will tell your mom about the prank." I said and smirked. You have no chance against me. "NO DON'T... Ok I will come with you."

"good choice. Now come on follow me." I said as I started walking "I hate you so much Anna." I heard her yelling. "I love you too Hana." I yelled back as I laughed.

Sahana's pov:-

It's been an hour now. My hands are full with different things. I cannot hold any more stuffs. But Anna is not done yet. I can easily carry these with my magical powers but she won't let me use it. It's my punishment she says, which won't work on me I will still prank her. It's fun....hehehehe....

She handed me one more bag which I can barely hold. "Anna please forgive me I cant do this anymore. " I whined. "no. " she said busy picking some fruits. "at least let me use my powers these are so heavy." she looked at me this time and sighed. "OK.... I forgive you. You can use your powers. "

"lehveeohsa..." I cast the spell as soon as she said that and sighed. Oh I feel so light. "happy now. " she asked. "very much. " I replied and smiled. "OK come on just one more herb and we will head back. " she said and started walking again and I followed her. I wonder if the girl is awake yet.

We just came back... As soon as I opened the door I saw my bestie Katherine in the hall at the corner where books are stored reading a book.

 As soon as I opened the door I saw my bestie Katherine in the hall at the corner where books are stored reading a book

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I got excited and left all the stuffs I was holding on the ground and ran to give her a morning hug. Well we meet everyday but everyday feels like we just met.

"RINE. " i literally jumped on her and she caught me. She may be thinner than me but is strong. She laughed. "good morning Hana... Wa you are so energetic this early in the morning. " she said still hugging me. "good morning too rine. " I said as I broke the hug.

"SAHANA! you could have kept these things inside then greet rine you know right? " Anna yelled at me annoyed. she is still standing at the door with all the stuffs I was holding on the floor. "just do it yourself. " I yelled back and stuck my tongue out teasing her. "ugh I hate you. " she said before taking the things and went inside.

"why is Anna so moody today? " rine asked and after a pause said. "wait....you did something right? " as she pointed her finger at me. "haha.... I just did some morning makeup on her... She looked so pretty." I said and laughed as the event of a while ago came into my mind. "so what did you do this time?"

As I finished telling her everything she laughed. "I can imagine her face she must be really annoyed."

"yeah she was. I wish you would accompany me but you are too good to prank someone." I said and I pout. She just smiled.

"oh I forgot... I was dying to show you I finally learned to disappear. "

"really? Show me. "

I cashed the disillusionment charm. It's a charm that disguise a target as its surrounding by making it take on the exact colour of its environment.

"WA.... Sabana you really did it. I can't see you at all." Katherine said and I giggled.

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