♡a new lover💔

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TW: mentions of alcoholism,angst,smoking and more "fun" stuff YIPPIE :3


Noel sat on his bed looking around the room. Back when Karnak malfunctioned he didn't have time to bring Jane back so they were all left in the wear house. Luckily they found a bedroom with three bunk beds. Everyone else had just woken up and where all talking.

 Jane and Ricky were sat on their bed talking on the bottom bunk,which was Jane's as she was scared of heights. Ricky ,on the other hand, loved being up high as it reminded him of space.

Ocean and Constance were talking, still on their own bunks. Ocean was on the top bunk as she was number one meanwhile Constance took the bottom bunk due to not caring.

Lastly,Noel and Mischa got the last bed, Mischa on the top bunk and Noel on the bottom. Mischa was on his phone doing Duolingo cause ✨data✨. Noel was sat looking around, lost in his own thoughts.

It has been a few weeks since the incident..since the kiss...Noel didn't know how to feel. Neither one of them had brought it up, even ocean surprisingly stayed quite. Noel had started thinking more whether he was glad for his death or not. Noel never had the most exciting life,I mean his mother was a alchoholic who drunk till she passed out daily and his farther left them when he was five. Not to mention he had fallen in love with the hottest man in school who just so happened to be ENGAGED.

 But there where good memories for example that time Noel got suspended for that "unfortunate" incident of the added lines in 'Waiting For Godot'.

Noel: 'There is no room at this inn, for it is Christmas. Shall we hang ourselves?'

Penny Lamb:'I hear it gives you an erection.'

Noel:'Then we must hang ourselves immediately!'

Constance:'Or we could just go to the manger, Joseph!'

Noel remembered when Jane used to look like that,she was penny lamb, ezras lamb sister,but now, she was Jane Doe...A New person but not nessecerialy a bad one.

Suddenly there was a creak, the door opened behind it was a girl who was barley visable. Mischa suddenly jumped down from the bed leaving his phone there as he shouted "Моя любов". He then ran up and kissed her passionatally for a while. Everyone stared at them until they broke apart, making the girl finally able to see. Stood there was a beautiful lady ,her brown hair in a braided bun. Her eyes were as blue as the pacific ocean and her smile could light up the room. 

Noel recognized her from somewhere but he couldn't tell. Something about a phone, a picture, the cyclone incident...who was it? ..Wait it couldn't be, she died? but how'd she get her? ...It was deffinly her...Talia.


Next parts Mischa POV its gonna be short tho.

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