♡Nischa Fanclub♡

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Talia sat down. As jane and ocean looked at eachover thinking the same thing "HOW TF ARE WE GOING TO UNDERSTAND HER"

"Hi,jane and ocean i think? i apoligse if i get it wrong"

There jaws dropped, janes quite littrally, so she bent over and picked up her dolls jaw as talia looked in disgust.

"uhh...is that normal?"

"Yes very, anyways mind telling us why you didnt tell us about the fact you can speak ENGLISH" said ocean , still annoyed at her and now suspicious.

"i was hiding it from mischa..anyways i heard you two ship noel and mischa.."

" yes,we do, noel is a mas-" Jane was cut of by oceans hand covering her mouth.

"you got a problem with that?"

"no..infact..me and mischa just broke up"

silence..Suddenly ocean was feeling extremely guilty.

"o-oh my god..."

"dont worry its fine,i think im lesbian anyways but i need your help..Mischa has a huge crush on noel and i was wondering  if you could help me get them together?"

"YES" ocean shouted at the top of her lungs.

"oh my zolar this should be a club!" jane added

"YES they need a ship name ....how about.." talia froze thinking

"NISCHA!" ocean screamed

"YES and you could be the CEO!"

"we should get connie to join she ships them to"

"so....you in?"

"yes" jane and ocean said in usion...unware of what was happing outside,...with our favrouite homosexuals.

There is no happy endings//nischaWhere stories live. Discover now