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 At age 16 your supposed to get classified. But what if something went wrong and you didn't get classified at 16?

Yes, the supernaturals took over the world and somewhat made it better. For the planet at least. And now humans are at the bottom of the bipedal food chain. And honestly, I really don't see a problem with that. If they all got whipped out I really wouldn't care. It's not that I'm cold hearted or anything. It's just that I don't care anymore.

Let me explain why I really don't care about humans anymore.

Before the supernaturals took over I was created. I guess you could say I was born, I did come out of my mother like any normal kid. But I was really made. Using some of the traits, or DNA, from nonhumans I was created. Before I came out of my mother in a lab everyone already knew I was different. I had a tail and I also had what looked like cat ears. My normal human ears were not there. I had normal hair on my head, but fur on my ears and tail. Odd mix I know. But what's even odder was my coloring. My hair was a dark brown, almost black. But on my tail and ears, I was a really light brown almost orange. And they were stripped. The closest thing I looked like was a tiger.

Now all of that I could deal with. People used to have babies using labs all the time. And some rich people used to change up there offspring's DNA too. None that I know of ever had cat ears or a tail before. So I guess I'm a one of a kind. But like I said, I could deal with all of that.

But here's where my story goes downhill fast. Before my second birthday the supernaturals took over. It was a quick fight from what I herd. I don't know the details about what happened, but I do know that it messed up my whole world. I was taken from the lab and the only place I knew as home. The humans thought I was a supernatural at first. And that's when the mental and financial abuse started.

At first I was treated like some humans pet. I was collared, leashed, and shown off as something someone caught. As I got older, maybe 10 years old, and was aloud to walk on 2 legs, I became some humans slave. By then I had fur covering most of my body. I was never aloud clothes and even if I was, I didn't know how to use them.

As a slave I was beaten and wiped when ever I did something wrong. I tried to never do anything wrong but still, my back had a lot of stripes across it.

Reading, writing, and mathematic were things I never was taught. I could count to 21. 10 fingers, 10 toes, and 1 tail. That added up to 21.

All the humans around me were always really tall compared to me. I could barely see over there table in the kitchen when I would put the plates on it for them.

Then one day things changed for me. I was told I was 16 years old. I didn't understand what that meant, but the humans started acting weird around me. For a couple of days, anytime I came in to a room, they would stop talking. They didn't know I could hear them before I came in the room. And when I left I could hear them start talking again. They were saying stuff about me, and that they would have to get rid of me. Something about being tested and that they would get in trouble from the supernaturals if they found me.

Finally, days later, one of the humans took me out to there truck and drove somewhere. It was in the woods that I found out how they were going to get rid of me. The drive was long and the human told me I could sleep if I wanted to. I normally don't get to sleep when they are awake, but the truck was vibrating and I was really tired.

When I woke up I was surround by trees and nothing else. I was no longer sleeping in the truck, but on the ground. There was a pice of cloth over me and a small box next to me. In the box was some food and a pice of paper with some writing on it. I couldn't read but there had to be a reason for the paper, so I kept it. The food on the other hand, I ate.

With nothing else to do, I waited. When ever I was put somewhere I had to wait there or I would get in to trouble. And so I waited. The only time I would move from that spot was when I had to "go potty". The humans never called it anything else in front of me, and I never knew how to use "the bathroom". They would put me in "the tub". That's where the clod water was that they would use on me when ever they thought I was to dirty. I really hatted that place.

After a couple of days of me sitting there all alone I figured they weren't coming back for me. That's when I started trying to find food. I was to weak to walk anymore, and so I crawled around looking for food. It took me almost all day before I found something I could eat. I don't know what it was, but when I found some mushrooms, my body told me not to eat them. The same feeling came when I found some small red berries. But when I found bigger black ones, my whole body told me to eat them.

I ate the berries until I was full then I slept. When I awoke next my tummy wasn't feeling the best. But I had food in me and so I kept moving. I did take a lot of the berries with me. I was still to weak to really walk, so I kept crawling but I kept going. I found more food I could eat and I got stronger.

After I slept again I was strong enough to start walking again. As I walked I also looked around. There was a lot more then just trees around me. Bushes and other animals were all over the place. I could hear them, see them, and smell them all around. A couple more sleeps later I came to a place that had building and odd smells. Some of the smalls were familiar to me. Some definitely were not. I didn't smell or see any humans, but it was close. They almost looked like humans, only bigger and not what I was used to. There smell was definitely different.

I stayed away from them not knowing what they would do to me. But when they slept, I would go and explore around where they lived. I found a lot of food that they would put in these big round things just outside of there homes. I heard one of them say "I'm just going to take out the trash." And he or she brought a big bag and put it in the round thing. Then it went back inside.

After it was gone I went to the round thing and had to tip it over to see what it put inside. It smelt like food and I was hungry again. I ripped open the bag and was digging through it when the not quite human came out and started throwing stuff at me. It told me to "Go", and "Get out of here", so I ran away. But not before I got what I was looking for. I now had enough food to last me a day or two.

I kept my distance from that place, but I did go to others. Every couple of days I would go to someone's home and dig through there "Trash" to find food. Sometimes I would find a lot. And other times, nothing. I did get better at sneaking around and not making noise. Every time I made noise I would get yelled at and most of the time something would get thrown at me. But I needed the food and they never caught me.

I don't know how long I was there all alone. But it was long enough for me to figure out how to make me a home to live in. I was now dry and warm all the time, even when the cold water came from the sky. That is until some of those nonhumans found my home and tore it down. I wasn't there at the time, so I didn't get caught. But that's when I had to move on again. I lost all of my stuff that I had collected over all of the time I was there. But it was just stuff that I could get again.

This kept happening to me over and over again. I would find a place away from humans and nonhumans. I would make a place so I could stay warm and dry. Then they would come and tear it all down and I would have to move again.

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