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Zake's POV

Back in the playroom.

We were all sitting around the two tablets watching and listening to Cat as she walked. "Ouch that had to hurt." I said as I saw her walk straight in to a wall. I heard chuckling around me. It was kinda hard not to laugh myself, it was funny to watch.

Mary was tapping on her tablet then said. "I'm tracking them both now. You stay on the video feed." I looked over to see that she had split her screen. One said Tiggger and the other said Cat. Two little dots were moving down the hallways.

Then I heard the boys chuckling again. "She almost ran in to another wall. What is she thinking?" Tim asked. I just shook my head. I knew what she was thinking about. I looked up at Mary and she looked at me. Then she nodded with a little smile, we have both seen this behavior before. Cat, or Kendria, was not paying attention to what was around her. She was thinking and trying to figure thing out in her head. It didn't take long before she was running. That was when we knew she had finally figured out that she might be in love with Tiggger.

We saw her run right in to Tiggger and they both landed on the floor. My phone went sliding across that same floor. But luckily we could still hear what they said. I looked over at Tim and Tyler. They were holding each other and they looked like they were watching a romantic movie. James was smiling and I could just barely her him say "So cute".

After they got up and Cat grabbed my phone again they walked to the stares and sat down. WE heard them talking and some of us chuckled at the bluntness of Cat. That is until she finally said that she loved Tiggger. We all laughed at his first response. But when Cat said that it was Kendria that loved him, he freaked out. We couldn't see what was happening at first, but we heard all of it. "Oh shit! I knew it! Those bastards!" I saw Tiggger running but I also saw that he had dropped Dragon at her feet. I didn't wait to see what happed next, I didn't have to.

I got up and ran. I grabbed a blanket and Mary's bag. Everyone was looking at me or at the screens. "Mary, track me. I have my id. Get her changed now. We need Kendria fast." I tossed the blanket and the bag at the boys, grabbed my tablet and ran out the door. I didn't have time to see if they moved. I switched off the video and went to tracking Tiggger. He was already on the first floor and almost to the back door. I ran faster.


Cat's POV

Babies? Who said anything about babies? Why would he be worried about babies?

I was frozen in place as I watched Tiggger running away from me. Him running away from me hurt. I felt pain in my chest and it felt like my heart was braking. Like it was going to stop or pound right out of my chest. Every beat hurt more and more. I heard noise from somewhere behind me, but I didn't care. If a pack of rogue werewolves took me right now, it would hurt less then what I was feeling.

The noise got louder, but I still didn't care. I had just lost him. I lost Tiggger. I had just realized that I loved him, and now he was gone.


Tiggger's POV

I ran. I needed to get away from her and I needed fresh air. The whole time I have been here I had never gone outside. But I knew where the doors were. I went to the closest one I knew about. When I got there it was locked. But that wouldn't stop me. Not right now. I took a couple of steps back and ran at the door. I put all the force I had in to it. As my shoulder hit the door it wiped open and almost fell off it's hinges. I didn't care that I had just broken the door. I needed out.

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