My first day of training

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My day started out with me abruptly getting woken up by my father scratching me on the foreleg. "Ow dad, please stop." I said in protest against my father. My father scratched my face with his large paw. My mother woke up to me crying because dad scratched me.

"Suck it up, Black, I don't want a weak daughter." Dad said harshy. "She isn't weak." Mom snapped back at dad while he rolled his eyes. "Yes she is, that's the reason why I’m training her, so she can be strong like me." Dad said as he carried me out of the nursery and out of the base.

As Darkpath carried Black out of the nursery, away from the familiar scents of moss and pine, Black's heart pounded in her chest. She struggled against her father's firm grip, but his claws dug into her fur, a painful reminder of his dominance. The forest air was cool against her whiskers, carrying with it the earthy scent of wet leaves and distant prey.

"Dad, where are we going?" Black's voice trembled, a mixture of fear and curiosity. Darkpath remained silent, his stride steady and purposeful as he navigated through the dense undergrowth. The forest around them seemed to close in, casting eerie shadows that danced in the dappling moonlight.

After what felt like an eternity of tense silence, Darkpath finally halted in a small clearing bathed in silver moonlight. His eyes, gleaming with an intensity that made Black shrink back, bore into her own. "Today, Black, you begin your training," he declared, his voice a low growl that sent a chill down her spine.

Training. The word hung heavy in the air, laden with expectations and unspoken threats. Black glanced around nervously, the unfamiliar terrain stretching out before her like a daunting challenge. She knew little of what awaited her, only that her father's training was renowned for its brutality and effectiveness.

Darkpath circled around her, his large form casting a looming shadow over the young kit. "You must learn to fight," he intoned gravely, his claws unsheathing with a menacing click against the forest floor. "Survival in Forest Colony demands strength and ruthlessness. Weakness will get you nowhere."

With a suddenness that took Black by surprise, Darkpath lunged forward, his massive paw swiping towards her. Instinctively, she ducked and rolled away, her heart racing with adrenaline. "Again," Darkpath commanded, his voice harsh and unforgiving.

For hours that stretched into what felt like days, Black endured her father's relentless training. She stumbled and fell, bruises blossoming on her fur, but each time she rose again, determination burning bright within her. She learned to anticipate his moves, to evade and counterattack with every ounce of strength she could muster.

As the moon dipped low in the sky, signaling the end of their grueling session, Darkpath finally stepped back. His gaze, though still stern, held a glimmer of begrudging approval. "You have potential, Black," he conceded, his voice a gruff acknowledgment of her efforts. "But remember, this is only the beginning. You have much to learn."

Black nodded, her breath coming in ragged gasps as she collapsed onto the forest floor. She was battered and bruised, but a spark of pride flickered within her. She had survived her first day of training — a testament to her resilience and determination to prove herself, not just to her father, but to herself.

As they made their way back to the nursery under the watchful gaze of the moon, Black's mind raced with thoughts of the future. She knew that her journey was far from over, that the path ahead would be fraught with challenges and sacrifices. But in that moment, beneath the canopy of stars and shadows, she vowed to herself that she would emerge stronger, not just for her own sake, but for the sake of her sisters and the legacy of Forest Colony.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 22 ⏰

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