Chapter 14: Thanksgiving

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As much as Autumn wanted to attend Thanksgiving with Gian's family to forget her own, she knew she needed to talk to her mother and clear the air. That's how she found herself standing in front of her mother's door with a very freshly baked apple pie that she totally didn't buy.

Alright Autumn, you can do this. Closing her eyes, she released a deep breath. Just talk to her and try not to lose your temper as you've been doing the whole time. She snorted. Easier said than done.

She knocked against the door.

"No Gian?" Willow questioned, looking over to the empty space beside her.

"Went to visit his family for Thanksgiving." Stepping inside, she lifted the pie. "I bought apple pie this time. You do not want to see the mess my kitchen is in back home."

Or how many apples I destroyed in the process. Autumn bit her lip. This is going to be a very expensive Thanksgiving.

As Willow took the pie, the twins rushed up to her. "Auntie Autumn!"

She knelt down to give them both tight hugs. "Hello boys. I hope you're ready to eat the best apple pie you ever tasted."

"Yes!" Nate cried as Natheinel's nose wrinkled.

"He's going through a junk food phase." Willow sighed. "Won't touch anything he considers healthy. He wants chicken nuggets and juice all day."

"Well, lucky for him, apple pie is considered a dessert." Autumn booped his nose, causing a giggle from Nathaniel.

"Autumn," Heather called from her seat in the living room. "There you are. I was wondering what was taking so long."

"She baked an apple pie for us."

"My kitchen is a mess," Autumn chuckled before she placed her hand on her stomach.

With the weeks passing by, a small bump had started to show, causing her to realize that she needed to pick up the baby stuff from Owen and Willow sooner than later. Maybe one of them has some maternity clothes for me. The price tags on just the pants alone made her want to cry.

With a glance at her stomach and then around the room, Heather frowned. "No Gian?"

"With his family."

"Make sense. Still can't say I'm a little disappointed though."

Autumn rolled her eyes. Geez, I wonder why.

Footsteps turned her attention to her mother. For a minute neither of them said anything. As the tension seemed to return, Autumn's hand brushed her stomach again. Her mother noticed the movement, shook her head and turned away.

"Alright," Willow clapped her hands, seemingly noticing the tension. "How about we get dinner started? I, for one, am excited to actually dig into a freshly made apple pie."

Mummers of agreement rolled around before Autumn took her seat beside Heather. The latter gave her a hand a reassuring squeeze. "I have an idea." She looked around the table. "How about we admit what we're thankful for?"

Autumn's eyes widened as she was pulled into a tight hug. "I am grateful for my sister who's helping me to plan the best wedding ever. I am grateful for my new niece or nephew who will be born in good health."

Feeling her eyes water, Autumn squeezed her back. "Love you too."

"And what about me?" Kyle pouted.

"You know I'm grateful for you." She gave his cheek a quick kiss. "I always am."

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