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Hehe just came back from a trip I know I said I will upload every 2 days and it’s have been weeks hehe sry
Let start with the⭐️button.
[Jase and aria]


I’ve never felt like this before.
Like there’s nothing left of me but a shell of a weak and pathetic person. I’m on the edge of loathing myself and the way
my body begs me to give in to Cross.

But most of all, I pity myself and that’s what’s driving the hate. My father isn’t coming. Nikolai isn’t coming.

I was worried that they were dead, but Carter told me yesterday that they’re still alive and the war is only getting started. I don’t know if he’s lying to me or not. If he wanted to offer me hope so he could crush it.

I don’t know anything anymore and nothing gives me hope of getting out of
here.Even as the thought hits me, I crumple forward and bury my face in my grimy hands. They smell of dirt but as I struggle to breathe and maintain
any sense of composure, I don’t give a damn.

No matter how many times I bathe myself with the warm water that waits for me when I wake up, I feel dirty. The kind of dirty that doesn’t wash away.

I’m alone. A prisoner. And I don’t see any way out of here. There’s no white knight planning on barging in here. I’m not worth it. If I was, they would find me, they would come for me. They would save me and make Cross pay for keeping me here to starve and torment with thoughts of being his fuck toy.

Fate sent a dark knight after me instead. With dinged and scratched armor and a taste for something that I shouldn’t crave. My face is too hot when I pull my hands away, calming my breath and leaning my head against the wall behind me.

Exhaustion has taken over and I know it’s because I don’t eat. But I could, a little voice whispers in the crevices of my mind. The same dark corners where the memories of yesterday send a warmth through my body.

My teeth dig into my lip as I remember how his skin felt against mine.

How everything felt. It was… everything.
Like electricity sparking through every nerve ending all at once, with a heat and fluidity that made me want to rock my body.

Yes, the dark knight is good at what he does. He’s damn good at making me want to cave and give in to both his desires and mine. I lick my lower lip, wincing at the cracked skin as my back stiffens and I glare at the steel door that refuses to budge.

As if knowing I was thinking about him and what he could do to me, the door to this prison opens and my hardened expression shifts to one of worry, curiosity, and eagerness.

I hadn’t realized how dark it was in the room until the bright light from just beyond the cracked door makes me wince. My tired eyes sting with the need to sleep.

I suck in a small breath, but I don’t cover my eyes or leave them closed for long. Pressed against the wall, I wait with bated breath until my eyes adjust.

I expect to hear the door close, but it stays open.
And the man I thought was coming in? It’s not him. It’s not Carter.

Thump, thump. My heart slams hard in my chest as Jase takes a step inside. Still the door stays open and my eyes have to glance at what’s beyond it.

A hallway and nothing discernable, but I know it’s freedom. That barely ajar door leads to freedom.

“Now don’t make me regret this.” The deep voice seems to echo in the small room and I swallow thickly. It’s only when my throat stings and I feel as if I could choke that I realize how dry my throat is. “Jase?”I chance a word and it makes the man smile. I remember him
from the night I was taken. That’s what Carter called him. He put the rag to
my mouth. He’s one of them.

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