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Three hours have passed, and each hour she’s more and more comfortable.
She hasn’t stopped drawing since Jase left the cell. And I haven’t taken my eyes off of her. There’s only one camera in the room and without being able to zoom in, it’s hard to see her features.

A pile of clothes and her blanket are neatly stacked and folded on the bed. But she stays on the floor, scribbling away. One page after another as if
she’s obsessed and unable to stop.

I need to know what she’s writing down. Especially if it’s some sort of account of what’s happened in the last few days. A message, maybe?

Maybe it has something to do with why she screams in her sleep nearly every night. Unease creeps up my spine at the memories. I’m not surprised the first thing she asked for were sleeping pills. I can’t fucking sleep anymore either.

Every other night, she cries out in terror and it’s only getting worse. I thought things would change after the other day.
Another paper flies across the floor, but before its fluttering has even stopped, she’s already sketching on the page that was beneath it.

Change is necessary. Even if I have to force it.The walk from my office to the cell takes too fucking long. My fists
clench tighter and my heart beats faster as I get closer.

I keep the door open and leave the chair where it is this time. As she scoots back onto her ass and away from the piles of paper to get away from me as I aproach, I lower myself to them, crouching down and picking up the closest one.

There are still a few feet between us, but the expression on Aria’s face is of complete fear. Not the defiance I’ve grown to expect.

“Caught you off guard?” I ask her, cocking a brow. Maybe she thinks
I’ve come to steal her gifts, or maybe the lack of food reminds her of what happened the other night. I know she ate every bit of that tray Jase gave her
with her new possessions earlier today.
I wonder if she thinks it’s a secret he kept from me.

“You look scared,” I add when she doesn’t answer my initial question.
Her doe eyes are wide, and the colors stir with so much thought and

She doesn’t answer me. She looks like she isn’t even breathing as her eyes glance from the paper in my hand to the open door.

“Don’t think about running, Aria. I don’t want to have to take these away the second you got them.” Slowly, her chest rises and falls. Her stiff body loosens although she stays back. With her head lowered, she only peeks up at me. It’s an
interesting difference, the way she looks at me compared to my brother.

I fucking hate it. But fear and control are everything. One day Jase will see
that. With my jaw hardened at the thought, I look down at the paper before
turning it over in my hand to see what she’s drawn.

It’s upside down at first and it takes me a moment to realize that. It’s drawn with pen, but it’s beautiful. Fine little lines and sketches that depict a bleeding heart with three knives stabbed through it.

The background is a storm and the ink smears only add to the emotion clearly
evident on the paper. Although the knives seem to pierce through the heart
easily, the rain behind it is so violent, it detracts from the knives a little.

“What is this?” I ask her without looking at her. I know she’s looking at me; I can feel her careful gaze. She doesn’t like to look at me when I’m looking at her. Although it’s a habit I need to break, I’m more concerned with getting answers than obedience.“The three of swords,” she answers in a small voice and it beckons me to look back at her.

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