Brotherly Bonding

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Alright, next oneshot is an AVA oneshot

Just an fyi, this is set after Dark and Chosen escaped Alan's PC and before their falling out. 


The Chosen One landed back at him and Dark's place, extinguishing his flames as he landed. The two of them had had another successful raid. As Chosen rolled his shoulders, he heard the sounds of his younger brother and partner-in-crime landing behind him.

"That sure was fun, Ay Cho?" The Dark Lord smiled as he walked over.

"Sure was, Dar." Chosen looked at Dark, noticing the burn on the younger red hollowhead's arm. "You alright?"

"Yep, fire hit me a bit when I was leaving that burning building. But I'll be fine. Why don't we train for a bit?"

Chosen smiled. "You know I'm always down for a bit of sparring and training."

The two hollowheads then began to spar.

At one point, Dark went to throw a fireball at Chosen. As Dark was getting ready to throw it, he heard a twig snap in the woods, making him loose focus. When he through the fireball, it went flying past Chosen and hit a tree. The tree then had an ugly burn mark and was now tilting at an odd angle.

Chosen looked at the tree, then began to laugh. "Dark? You good? You seemed to have missed me there. Clearly someone needs to work on his aim."

"I did not miss! I am The Dark Lord! I never miss, I was aiming for the tree, wanting you to think I was aiming at you." Dark glared at Chosen.

"Just admit it, Dar. You miss fired." Chosen still couldn't help but laugh.

"Shut up, Chosen." Dark then spun and went back into the house.

Chosen cleaned up the equipment from their sparring then went inside.

The smell of dinner being cooked hit him as soon as he entered the house and Chosen went over to the kitchen. "What's for dinner, Dar? It smells good."

"Make yourself some." Dark grunted, walking away from Chosen.

"Oh, come on. You aren't still mad, are you?" Chosen sighed as he followed Dark. "You know what I do when my brother is mad." Chosen then began to mess with Dark slightly, lightly punching the red hollowhead.

Dark tried to hide the smile that was trying to form on his face. Pretty soon, he couldn't and Dark smiled as he looked at Chosen. "Oh you are so on!"

The two brothers then began to play spar. After a little while, both of them lay on their couch laughing. Chosen got to his feet and walked over to help Dark up.

Dark rose to his feet and eyed Chosen. "Alright, you need to go shower. You stink of sweat."

Chosen laughed. "Oh, you don't like it?" He then walked over and pulled Dark into a hug and ruffled the red hollowhead's bright red hair.

"CHO! Stop it! You know what I've said about feelings of affection!" Dark scrambled out from Chosen's hold. "Now go shower!"

"Fine. Fine." Chosen laughed and headed to the stairs.

Dark's and Chosen's rooms were on the second floor of their place. As he walked to the stairs, Chosen looked at the door that Dark had asked him to never enter. Chosen knew it was Dark's work room. He wanted to check it out, but knew it was Dark's private thing and he didn't want to intrude.

Chosen quickly ascended the stairs, then went into his room. Each room contained an average bedroom, as well as a bathroom attached to it. Dark had insisted they both have a bathroom. Chosen was always an early riser and liked to get up before the sun, and get ready for the day. Dark on the other hand enjoyed sleeping in later. He didn't want to deal with Chosen coming in his room every morning, so he had two bathrooms be installed, one in each room.

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