In the Land Of The Emperors

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Well look at that 

A oneshot that is neither WOF ocs or AVA 

This one is my own fantribes

Tribes mentioned in this are Emperor dragons, Flamespitters, and Wildflames

Maybe in the future I'll draw these tribes and post them so y'all can see what they look like

Hope y'all enjoy


Lava Lands

A large dragon flew across a land covered in lava and fire. The dragon was a long limber form. Two large wings keeping the form in the air. The large dragon landed at the palace of the Lava Lands. Two massive talons thumped to the ground. The wings curled forward, and two large claws on the wings clicked on the ground as the dragon walked forward. He held his head high, the head held by a long neck. Spines ran all the way down the neck and back. A long tail lashed behind the dragon. The end of the tail had the shape of a flame. The dragon wore armor that was made of magma. Around his eyes, were bright blue sapphire embedments, something all royalty wore. A small crown rested on his head, right in front of the two long curled horns. A small horn came rest on the nose of the dragons head. A pattern of red, yellow, and orange went along his wings, legs and tail. The dragon had bright blue eyes. As he walked through the palace, guards would bow to him. This was the none other than the prince of the flamespitters himself, Prince Flaming Nightmare.

Flaming Nightmare arrived at the throne and sat down on the smaller throne next to the large one. On top the larger throne sat a dragon that looked exactly like the prince. The only difference was the hazed tint in his eyes. This was the king of the flamespitters, King Rising Phoenix.

A third dragon walked into the room. This one looked different than the flamespitters. He stood on four strong legs. Four wings were folded in on his side. Spines went along his neck and back all the way to his tail. On the edge of his tail was a sharp spike. Large horns curled from his head and a small spike was on his nose. Patterns of red, yellow, and orange went along his legs, stripes, tail and wings. His eyes were a bright red color. He walked over and sat down right next to Prince Flaming Nightmare's throne. This was Pyro, a wildflame. Pyro was specifically assigned to be the prince's main bodyguard.

Pyro dipped his head in a low bow to King Rising Phoenix. "Good morning, your majesty. What is the plan for today?"

"Good morning, Pyro. I think today we will travel to the High Mountains."

Flaming Nightmare turned to the king. "That is emperor territory. Father, why are we going to the emperor's territory?"

"We are going to continue our peace treaty with Queen Shenlong of the emperor dragons."

"Father, what does Shenlong mean?" Flaming asked as he and the king got up from their thrones.

"Shenlong means 'empress of storms', Flaming. Now, come. The High Mountains are quite a journey. Come Pyro."

The three dragons headed out of the Lava Lands, making their way their way to the High Mountains.

High Mountains

A giant, sleek limber dragon walked through the palace of the emperor dragons. Her leaf-shaped wings were folded in. She wore bracelets, horn rings and a tail band made of thorns. Princess Zevronid sighed as she made her way through the palace.

"Zevronid! Come here! Our guests will be arriving soon!" A voice sounded, belonging to none other than Queen Shenlong.

"Coming mother!" Zevronid answered as she trotted back to the throne.

Queen Shenlong smiled at Zevronid. "There she is my beautiful daughter."

"Who's coming to visit us today mother?" Zevronid smiled as she took her spot.

Shenlong flicked her long leaf-shaped wings. "King Rising Phoenix of the flamespitters, as well as his son, Prince Flaming Nightmare."

"Wow, their names are so long."

"That is just flamespitter tradition. We do not judge the way of the flamespitter, just like how they do not judge our ways of living."

Zevronid nodded to the queen.

A guard came in and bowed to the queen. "They have arrived your majesty." 

Shenlong smiled. "Send them in."

The guard nodded and raced out. He then came back. "Your majesties, I present to you the reigning monarch of the Lava Lands, King Rising Phoenix, along with his son, Prince Flaming Nightmare, and their chief guard, Pyro."

The two flamespitters and the wildflame all bowed to the queen and princess of the emperor dragons. "Delighted to be in your presence, Queen Shenlong." King Rising Phoenix spoke as he rose to his claws.

"Delighted to make the acquaintance. I am terribly sorry to hear of the tragic passing of Queen Blazing Cinders." Queen Shenlong and Zevronid both dipped their heads in respect.

"Thank you, your majesty. About why I am here, I have come to seek alliance with the emperor dragons."

"Come with me, King Rising Phoenix, we will discuss this."

The two royals left the room, leaving Zevronid, Flaming, and Pyro.

Zevronid trotted over to Flaming. "Hi! I'm Zevronid. It's so nice to meet you. I've never met a flamespitter before."

Flaming dipped his head. "Nice to meet you, princess. Please just call me Flaming. I could say the same thing. I've never met an emperor dragon before. If you won't mind me asking, what does your name mean? I heard the queen's name means 'empress of storms'."

Zevronid smiled. "My name means 'empress of the lily'." She then lifted a claw and made a flower appear on her claw. "I was born with a special power with plants. You see, each emperor dragon is named after their ability. My mother is named 'empress of storms' because she has special abilities to control storms. She can do all types of weather but she is more talented with storms."

Flaming smiled. "That is so cool. Our names just normally have to do with fire, and lava and all that type of stuff." He then set himself on fire. "This is something all flamespitters, as well as wildflames, can do."

"Wildflames?" Zevronid looked curiously.

Pyro stepped forward. "I am a wildflame."

"Oh, I didn't realize another tribe lived in the lava lands. I thought only flamespitters made that area their territory."  

Pyro laughed. "Most wildflames stick to themselves, but I work and live with the royal family. I'm this lunatic's main guard." He then playfully punched Flaming.

Flaming snorted and shot a playful glare at Pyro.

Zevronid laughed watching the two interact.

Talon steps sounded as Queen Shenlong and King Rising Phoenix walked back into the throne room. Shenlong smiled as she arrived back at the throne. "I am pleased to announce that emperor dragons and flamespitters are now in an alliance."

Roars of joy sounded in the throne room. Rising Phoenix walked over to Flaming Nightmare. "We must return to the Lava Lands and alert the tribe of this wonderful news."

Flaming looked at Zevronid. "I'll see you again next meeting." He and Pyro then followed King Rising Phoenix out of the palace.

Zevronid watched Flaming Nightmare leave. "Good bye, Flaming." As she watched him leave, Zevronid felt something in her chest, something she could only describe as a longing to see Flaming again and be with him once more.

Shenlong smiled at Zevronid. "Flaming is quite the mature dragon. I'd believe he'd be perfect."

Zevronid spun around, then ducked her head as she blushed. "We'll see, mother. We'll see." She then went back to the throne and sat in her position once again.

Thus beginning the alliance and friendship of two tribes, and two young dragons. 

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