my dr 🫶

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Name: Druella Selene Malfoy
Nicknames: Ella
Pronouns: She/her
Sexual Orientation: Bisexual
Age: 15
Birthday: November 28th, 1977
Unregistered Animagus: Raccoon
Animagus nickname: Stripey


Personality: Quick, witty, humorous, stylish, confident, smart, passionate, caring, loving
Skills: Astronomy, Herbology, cooking, singing, drawing, acting, Quidditch
Flaws: accident-prone, anxious, ill-tempered, moody, dramatic, a bit bossy, boy-crazy, indecisive
Star Sign: Sagittarius


Hair: Black + white stripes, curly
Eyes: Icey blue
Height: 5'7, 170.18 cm
Body shape: Hourglass
Face shape: round-ish square
Style: downtown girl + goblincore
Extras: freckles, right eyebrow piercing


Name: Druella Selene Malfoy
Date of birth: November 28th, 1977
Parent/Guardian: Remus John Lupin
House: Ravenclaw
Year: 5th
Patronus: Raccoon
Wand: Spruce, Dragon Heartstring, 13 in, quite bendy
Absences: N/A
Detentions: 4
Classes: Astronomy, Care of Magical Creatures, Charms, Defense Against the Dark Arts, Divination, Herbology, History of Magic, Potions, Transfiguration
Pet: Artie, Male white Birman cat.
Quidditch: Ravenclaw seeker + Quidditch captain


Birth parents: Lucius Malfoy, Narcissa Malfoy (née Black)
Birth siblings: Draco Malfoy
Status: Pureblood


Scent: vanilla + white roses
Makeup: curled lashes + mascara, reddish-pink plumping lip gloss
Periods: pads and tampons change automatically as needed
Nails: always a short almond red frenchie look
Skincare: I always wash my face in the morning + night and never forget, no acne or eyebags
Hair: I don't need a curly hair routine, it just stays like that + I never need to shave anywhere
Extras: infinite wardrobe


Hermione Jean Granger:
Nicknames: Hermy, 'Mione
Traits: smart, sassy, bossy, a reader, nerdy, passionate, insecure, overthinker, loves learning
House: Gryffindor
Year: 3rd
Birthday: September 19, 1979
Relationship: Best friends! + study buddy

Harry James Potter:
Nicknames: Harold (only when yelling at him), POTTAH (to tease)
Traits: smart, clumsy, easily flustered, determined, sassy, a leader, an explorer, sneaky, friendly, loves quidditch
House: Gryffindor
Year: 3rd
Birthday: July 31, 1980
Relationship: little brother friendship

Ginevra Molly Weasley:
Nicknames: Ginny, Gin and Tonic
Traits: smart, bold, a leader, feisty, witty, independent, loyal, brave, caring, loving, loves her family
House: Gryffindor
Year: 2nd
Birthday: August 11, 1981
Relationship: other bestie!!

Luna Lovegood:
Nicknames: Stellaluna, Loony
Traits: smart, other-worldly, spiritual, passionate, weird in a good way, interesting, unpredictable, nature lover, loves animals, caring
House: Ravenclaw
Year: 2nd
Birthday: February 13, 1981
Relationship: house buddies

Cedric Amos Diggory:
Nicknames: Ced, Ceddy, Pretty Boy Diggory
Traits: caring, popular, loyal, loves his friends, plant lover, modest, kind, loving, loves chocolate
House: Hufflepuff
Year: 5th
Birthday: September 7th, 1977
Relationship: crush bc 😻 (eventually bf)


-Hogsmeade trip every Sunday, bc Saturday is set aside for studying and other things
-People who are allowed to go to Hogsmeade can bring people that aren't old enough yet as long as a teacher knows
-Infinite wizard money
-teachers are normal to me
-Pettigrew dies is PoA
-Wolfstar is canon!! 🫶
-British accent obvs
-No protagonists die
-Narcissa and Draco fight against Voldemort in DH2
-Cho still likes Cedric for drama
-Modern music exists but as muggle music
-Modern movies exist too
-and modern slang
-When Sirius comes back he lets Remus + I move into Grimmauld Place with him
-Nymphadora doesn't like Remus
-everyone has modern iPhones
-Remus's transformations don't hurt bc yes but I still comfort him during them
-I know Sirius intentions for escaping Azkaban but I don't tell Harry
-Cedric plays guitar <3
-I know and remember everything magic related that I need off the top of my head + have it memorized from the moment I learn it
-I was supposed to marry Antonin Dolohov's son (who goes to Durmstrang) before I was disowned
-The Ravenclaw quidditch teams tryouts are cancelled so they just keep the same team bc tryouts are nervewracking


Safeword/phrase + action: "Back to my home, I dare not go," clap x4
-I NEVER forget my safeword and never say it accidentally
-I smell lavender when I start to shift
-pain tolerance: a little better
-I cannot die + no one else dies unless I script it
-my phone can switch from dr time + date to cr time + date when I tap on the lockscreen
-I have a copy of my script in my nightstand drawer to refer to (remembering everyone's birthdays, etc) and no one else knows about it or can see it or touch it
-time ratio: 2 weeks (dr) : 1 hour (cr)
-nothing traumatic happens unless scripted.
-my phone has everything my cr phone has on it. I tell my friends that photos of people are just muggles I know. my dr phone has unlimited storage and battery.


that's it I guess!

For an explanation, I (Ella) am disowned after being a Ravenclaw and Remus agrees to adopt me, but he doesn't change my last name

Also, this is set in PoA, (shift starts at the beginning of the year) meaning Cedric is a 5th year bc Harry is a 3rd year (two year age difference) and Cedric and I are the same age

hope this gives you ideas or motivation <3

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 22 ⏰

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