Sonic 2: The Next Level - Official Trailer

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(Seattle: The two Sonics look down at a robbery in progress, they take a stretch, fix their shoes, and eat some Chili Dogs)

Movie Sonic: Quick stretch... Little snack...

Sonic: Aaaand here we go!

(They leap off the building while looking at the camera before zooming off into the streets)

Tom: Sonic, I love that you want to help make a difference.

(Sonic knocks out the robber in the passenger seat and Movie Sonic kicks the other one out the car)

Movie Sonic: Mind if I drive?

(The two see someone in the street and Movie Sonic turns out of the way)

Tom: But you two are being reckless.

Sonic: Don't worry! Nobody's gonna get hurt!

(A pipe bomb goes down the sewer and blows water into the air)

Tom: Pretending to be Batman and Robin.

Movie Sonic: Blue Justice and the Blue Blur: trademark pending.

(Movie Sonic stands on a building in front of the moon, doing a cool pose, while Sonic rolled his eyes)

Tom: You're still just a kid.

(Movie Sonic messes around the house, with the place turned into a skate park while Team Sonic cheered him on)

Movie Sonic: Woohoo!!!

(An egg shaped pod floats down towards Earth)

Tom: Trust me, there will come a moment when your power will be needed.

(A huge electric tornado lingers over Green Hills)

Tom: But you don't choose that moment, that moment chooses you.

Movie Sonic: I just got goosebumps! Wait a second, did you steal that from Oprah?

(The egg pod touched down onto the ground, inside Dr. Robotnik is putting on a new coat and wardrobe)

Agent Stone: HE'S BACK!!!!

(Robotnik walked out the pod with other robots accompanying him)

Dr. Robotnik: Papa's got a brand new stache! Ha!

(Robotnik starts talking to Stone)

Dr. Robotnik: Since I've been gone, I've discovered the source of ultimate power.

(Robotnik is shown holding what looks like the Master Emerald)

Agent Stone: That sounds big.

Dr. Robotnik: It's been on my vision board for years.

                                                    FROM PARAMOUNT PICTURES

(A Ring Portal opened up and a Two-Tailed fox jumped through)

Movie Tails: Hope I'm not too late!

(The crew are on a variant of the Tornado with Tails and Movie Tails piloting)

Movie Sonic: I'm sorry, who are you?

Movie Tails: Names Tails!

Movie Sonic: Okay...

Sonic: This is what we're gonna do! Step one: Light taunting! Step two: I have no idea.

(Robotnik fired a barrage of missiles at the plane)

Tails: Hang on!!!

(The Team hung on for dear life while the Tornado spun past the missiles)

Movie Sonic: That wasn't too bad. Haha-!

(A leftover missile hits Movie Sonic and knocks him off the plane)

                                                                     THIS YEAR

(The two Sonics are jumping through a cave full of traps and lava)

Movie Sonic: Today's forecast calls for a 100% chance of adventure!

(Robotnik swiftly misses a swinging axe, Maddie and Rachel do a handshake, The crew enter a Siberian bar, one of the patrons stabs the table with a knife causing Tails, Pipp, and Movie Tails to faint, Sonic and Movie Sonic run on water to get to a temple with a green beam shining from it, they take a flip off a mountain and start snowboarding while escaping some robots, and a rocket is fired at them by Robotnik's aircraft)

Movie Tails: Sonic!

(Sonic jumps and grabs the rocket and throws it back)

Sonic: Return to sender!

(The Wachowski Residents)

Movie Sonic: Face it! You're never going to get my power!

(Movie Sonic dashes towards someone, that someone stops him and he was being held by... Knuckles?)

Movie Knuckles: Do I look like I need YOUR power?

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Movie Knuckles: Do I look like I need YOUR power?

(Movie Knuckles slams Movie Sonic right into the ground causing a gigantic shockwave)

Dr. Robotnik: Where are my manners? Sonic meet Knuckles.

(Knuckles punches his fist together creating red electricity before punching the screen and going into the title card)



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