Chapter 1: Pretty Gay

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Jeff POV:



I don't have a problem with living with my boyfriend and my brother. And well Clocky is also okay since she's my best friend I guess? BUT WHY DO I HAVE TO LIVE WITH THAT COPYCAT LESBO JANE?!

Oh and there is also Toby. He's actually living with Tim, Brian and Ben, but for some reason he's clinging to my brother and sometimes he's sleeping here. In the same room as Liu. I don't wanna know what Liu and allegedly asexual twitchy boi are doing in there..

Toby is fucking 21 years old.. (Well he acts like 5 but still.) so he's 3 years older than me (and 1 year younger than Liu) and how the fuck can he live without sex? Jack didn't give it to me for like a month and I'm already dying. He's always busy with fucking studying and I'm not even allowed to kiss him then and when he's done with studying he's 'tired'. Fucking asshole.

I just woke up and of course Jack is gone. I'm making my way to the living room and surprise surprise he's studying again. He's sitting on the couch so I took a seat next to him. I put my head on his shoulder and then I kissed his neck. He smiled a bit and said "Babe I'm busy." "You're always busy." I said with a pissed tone making my way to my room again. What's his fucking problem?! What am I supposed to do when I can't spend time with my boyfriend?! Watching horror movies and listening to My Chemical Romance gets boring.. Also Liu took all my MCR CDs away cuz it was 'too loud' pfft. And he changed his Netflix and amazon prime passwords 'cuz 'I shouldn't watch so much TV' DO I LOOK LIKE I'M 6 YEARS OLD?! NOT EVEN OUR MOTHER WAS THAT STRICT. BUT OF COURSE TOBY'S ALLOWED TO WATCH TV AS MUCH AS HE WANTS AND HE'S WATCHING FUCKING KIDS SERIES.

Okay you know what? Fuck it. Jack doesn't wanna give it to me. Fine. Then I'm gonna get it from somewhere else. I'm sure he won't mind if I'm taking some money from him. When I went to hot topic to get some emo shit I witnessed a sex shop. I think imma go there now. I'm putting a bit make up and sunglasses on as I'm always doing when I'm going out so no one recognizes me and then imma go there.

I took my black tank top, black ripped jeans and black leather jacket on, then I went into the bathroom and put some make up on my beautiful smile, then I took my sunglasses and went downstairs. Oh great Nina is here again. She's actually living with LJ and Jason because no one else wants her, but she's HERE EVERYTIME cuz' that stupid ass lesbo always invites her to get on my fucking nerves. Fucking bitch.

I tried to ignore Jack and Nina who were BOTH in the living room for some reason..? And put my black converse shoes on which I only own because of Gerard Way. Such a hottie. I actually had thousands of posters of him which I always licked and jerked off on, but Jack wanted me to take them off. Pfft everything gets forbidden to me.

"Where are you going?" Jack asked with his face still in the books. "keep busy with your studying." I said and Jack 'looked' at me with an expression that kinda forced me to tell him something. "Jesus I'm going killing. I'm bored because of you." Jack wanted to say something, but Nina intervened "CAN I COME WITH YOU JEFFY-SENPAI UWU?" no joke she literally said 'uwu' Jack 'looked' at her with a pissed expression and said "Definitely not." "I didn't even talk to you." Nina answered and I made my way out of the apartment before things are escalating.

I walked around until I finally reached the sex shop. I went inside trying to avoid eye contact with everyone, but I took a quick look at the cashier and he looked at me like a creep. What the fuck? Good that I have my knifey with me. I'm knife sexual by the way. Don't tell anyone though.

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