Chapter 10: Jeff, Please! I Don't Wanna Die!

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"What the actual fuck happened?!" I asked when we were back with the others. I expected everything, but not that we would actually die here.. "Damn that weird house did a good job there." Jeff said laughing. "Are you fucking kidding?! I hope you're the next one to die, asshole!" Jason said. "What's your fucking problem?! He literally cheated on you like a billion times." "That doesn't give you the rights to say something like that." "Uh yeah it actually does." Then I got tired of this and yelled "SHUT UP! It's already bad enough that Toby and I almost died and now that LJ actually died. Can we just stop coming at each other for a minute?!" "Why do you even care about that pennywise-rip off?" Jeff asked. Maybe because I know him for ages and I was with him for like 2 years. I didn't say that out loud though. Jeff would kill me. But somehow that house could read my thoughts.. Nina got pulled into a room that suddenly appeared.. And there was fire in that room.. I pressed Jeff's head against my chest so he won't get a panic attack again 'cuz there was a window at that door that clearly showed Nina panicking and the fire that was getting bigger and bigger. The voice whispered to me "You didn't really hate LJ, right? You always liked him. You liked him very much, didn't you? Because he wasn't the only one who destroyed the relationship, right? We all are displacing stuff we don't like to remember. I'm wondering if Nina's life is worth telling everyone the truth or if you're that selfish that you let her die because she loves your boyfriend."

Then the voice said out loud "Come on cannibal boy. You don't wanna be a monster so prove it. I'm giving you a minute until the fire melts Nina's skin." I kept 'looking' at Nina who's screaming in panic.. I just couldn't 'look' away but I could tell that everyone looked at me in confusion. "Whatever you have to do. Don't do it. Nina's not worth it." Jeff said. Little did he know.. but still cute. "Are you fucking stupid?! We're in this because we're selfish and don't care about others. Or at least you don't care about others. Now don't try to turn Jack into an asshole too." Jane said. "Come on, Jack. It can't be that bad. We have to stick together. Just do it." After that Jane and Jeff just yelled at each other about whether or whether not I should do it, but I faded it out since I was overwhelmed again.. I didn't know what to do.. I didn't want Jeff to hate me, but I also didn't want to be to blame if we can't get out of here alive..

{Disclaimer: Every thing that happened before this disclaimer is from May 2020. Every thing after that disclaimer is from May 2021, so of course my writing style changed and improved a lot and I have a lot of new headcanons that I need to put and fix in this fanfic, so don't wonder if some things changed or are different cuz I don't really have the motivation to rewrite the whole thing, nor do I want it to say 2021 instead of 2020 xD so enjoy!}

"She's just a child, damn!" I yelled. "A psychotic one... but still a child!" "I. Don't. Care." The deep, creepy voice answered. "If you want to save her, do as I told you." Everyone looked at me.. I think I could never forgive myself if she actually dies because of me... Nina screamed louder and louder for help and cried as I started to panic more and more until I couldn't take it anymore. "Okay, okay, fine!" I yelled. "I'm gonna do it! Just leave that poor child alone!"

Suddenly the fire stopped and Nina fell onto the floor of that other room. I ran over to the door to look through the window to make sure she's okay and thank god, she's still breathing.. "Do what, Jack..??" Jeff asked with a serious voice. I took a deep breath and needed a moment to think about what to say. "I would hurry if I was you." The voice said. "That little fangirl is still alive for now, but if you won't tell your boyfriend the truth within the next 5 minutes I'm gonna melt her skin off."

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 23 ⏰

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