Episode 1: Welcome to the college

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Chloe had just walked into the college when a girl ran up to her.

???: Oh my god, a new student! AAAAH!

Chloe: Woah, calm down!

???: Sorry, name's Wendi. Spelt W-e-n-d-i, not W-e-n-d-y.

Chloe: I like your name Wendi!

Wendi: Thanks!

Chloe: Anyways, I'm Chloe.

Wendi: Wanna meet my friends?

Chloe: Sure.

Wendi grabbed Chloe and dragged her to her friends.

Wendi: Aaron! Emerald! Forrest! Get your motherfucking asses here!

Foreest: Jeez, what? Also, who's that?

Emerald: Yea, who's that Wendi?

Wendi: This is Chloe!

Aaron: Hey there Chloe. Name's Aaron.

Chloe: Nice name!

Aaron: Thanks!

Wendi: Okay, Chloe, let's tour the campus and meet everyone!

Wendi shows Chloe around the campus, introducing her to all the teachers and students.

Wendi: And here are all the teachers you'll get to know:

They visit each teacher's classroom in turn.

Wendi: This is Ms. Bloomsbury for English, Mr. Xanders for Math, Professor Clive for Science, Miss Olive for Geography, Mr. Warren for History, Mr. Hall for P.E., Ms. Alborogh for Art, Ms. Emergence for Design Tech, and Mr. Thomas for Computing.

Chloe: Wow, that's quite a lineup!

Wendi: Right? They're all pretty cool in their own way. Now, let's meet some of the students!

They navigate through the bustling halls, encountering various students.

Wendi: Over there are Nate and Lily, the notorious bullies. And that's David and Jess, their loyal followers. Owen is the resident nerd, always buried in a book. Gabriella is our resident... eccentric, let's say. And there are Oliver and Olivia, the inseparable twins. Oh, and that's Alex, who prefers they/them pronouns.

Chloe: Got it. Quite a diverse group.

Wendi: And last but not least, there's Liam.

Chloe: Liam?

Wendi: Yeah, he's my crush. But shh, don't tell anyone!

Chloe: Your secret's safe with me.

Wendi: Thanks, Chloe. I have a feeling your first day here is going to be the best day ever!

Chloe: I'm looking forward to it!

I will add special guests for either one episode or I can add them in as a new student.

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