Episode 2: First day

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Wendi: Rise and shine, Chloe! It's your first day of college!

Chloe: Ugh, what time is it?

Wendi: Time to get up and get ready! We've got a big day ahead!

Chloe gets up, quickly freshens up, and gets dressed.

Chloe: Okay, ready. Let's do this!

Chloe: So, what's first on the schedule?

Wendi: Let's see... first up is English with Ms. Bloomsbury at 8:40.

Chloe enters the English classroom, where Ms. Bloomsbury is already starting the lesson.

Ms. Bloomsbury: Good morning, everyone. Today we'll be discussing Shakespeare's "Hamlet."

The class proceeds with a discussion on "Hamlet." After class, Chloe heads to Math.

Mr. Xanders: Alright class, open your textbooks to page 32. We'll be covering quadratic equations today.

Chloe tries to focus but is clearly nervous about her new environment.

As soon as Math ended, Chloe heads to the cafeteria and sits down with Wendi and her friends.

Wendi: How’s it going so far?

Chloe: Not bad, just trying to get used to everything.

Aaron: You'll get the hang of it in no time.

Forrest: Yeah, just wait until you see Art class with Ms. Alborogh next. She's amazing.

In Art class...

Chloe enters and finds a seat.

Ms. Alborogh: Welcome to Art class, everyone. Today we'll start with some basic sketching techniques.

Chloe starts sketching and seems to enjoy the class. Time passes quickly, and soon it’s lunchtime.

During Lunch...

Chloe is sitting with Wendi, Aaron, and Forrest.

Wendi: So, what’s next on your timetable?

Chloe: After lunch, it's Science.

Aaron: Nice, you’ll like Professor Clive. He's pretty cool.

Wendi: And guess what? Liam’s in your Science class too. You might end up being partners!

Chloe blushes slightly.

Chloe: Really? That would be nice.

Science class...

Chloe walks in and finds a seat next to Liam.

Professor Clive: Today we’ll be doing an experiment on chemical reactions. Pair up!

Liam: Hey Chloe, wanna be my partner?

Chloe: Sure, sounds great!

They work together on the experiment, chatting and laughing.

Liam: You’re pretty good at this.

Chloe: Thanks, you too!

The class ends and Chloe heads to her next class.

Geography class...

Chloe takes a seat and listens attentively.

Miss Olive: Today we’ll be discussing the physical features of different continents.

The day ends with Chloe feeling a mix of excitement and exhaustion.

In the Dorm rooms...

Chloe and Wendi recap the day.

Wendi: So, how was it?

Chloe: It was great! I really enjoyed Science with Liam and Art was so fun.

Wendi: I’m glad! By the way, Emerald skipped today because she’s sick. She’ll be back tomorrow.

Chloe: Oh no, I hope she feels better soon.

Wendi: She will. Anyway, get some rest. We’ve got another big day tomorrow!

Chloe: Thanks, Wendi. Goodnight!

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