The Kickboxing Training arc

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Just then, a pink boxing glove clocked Jacob in the arm. He staggered back slightly, looking up to see Skylar grinning mischievously, her gloved fists raised.

"Hey, Skylar!" Jacob laughed, rubbing his arm. "You caught me off guard!"

Skylar bounced in place, her new kangaroo legs giving her impressive height. "We have to start training, Jacob. We can't face all those opponents unprepared. Let's get serious about this."

Jacob nodded, his competitive spirit ignited. "You're right. Let's start our training arc!"

With determination in their eyes, Jacob and Skylar began their rigorous training routine. They practiced bouncing and punching in sync, coordinating their movements with the natural rhythm of their kangaroo legs. Ruby and Christopher joined in, adding an extra layer of challenge by hopping around them, forcing Jacob and Skylar to dodge and weave.

Skylar threw a series of quick jabs, her pink gloves a blur. "Keep your guard up, Jacob! You need to be faster on your feet."

Jacob responded with a swift counter-punch, his form improving with each attempt. "Got it! How about this?"

Their sparring grew more intense, each punch and kick honing their reflexes and strength. The sun climbed higher in the sky as they pushed themselves, sweat glistening on their brows but smiles never leaving their faces.

"Nice one!" Skylar praised as Jacob landed a solid hit on her glove. "But remember to keep your balance when you kick."

Jacob nodded, focusing on maintaining his stance while executing powerful kicks with his kangaroo legs. The enhanced strength and flexibility made each kick feel like a force of nature, and he knew they were getting closer to mastering their new abilities.

As the day turned to evening, they paused to catch their breath, admiring the progress they had made. Jacob looked at Skylar, pride evident in his eyes. "We're getting stronger. I can feel it."

Skylar smiled, her confidence shining. "Absolutely. We're going to be ready for those matches. Irishboxer won't know what hit him."

With their bond strengthened by the shared training, Jacob and Skylar continued their preparation, knowing that each day brought them closer to facing their formidable opponents. They were ready to embrace the challenges ahead, their spirits high and their determination unwavering.

The Irishboxer Bouncing Kickboxer era With Jacob and skylar.Where stories live. Discover now