Too Close

172 11 5

Summary: "The Cobra King" episode, but things go wrong at the end.

Notes: Rewatch the episode if you're afraid of confusion.


It started off as a minor mistake.

"He got me, bro!"

He always forgot his stuff, especially in the wild.

He just never thought it would lead to this.

Chris struggled as he held onto a tree branch for dear life. "But it's a good thing I have Cobra Powers right now." He looked down at his elbow, the bar on his immunity meter beginning to rise. "Venom immunity to the rescue!"

"Yeah, but it won't last forever." Martin quickly slithered toward the Cobra's behind before he started pulling. "G-Gotta get him off!"

He yelped as he easily got whacked away by the Cobra's tail, his long, serpent-like body ending up rolled around a nearby tree branch, head upside down.

It was then that Aviva and Koki showed up.

"Um, Martin. What are you doing tangled in a tree?" Koki asked, perplexed.

"Argh, long story. But just get me down. I gotta get to Chris!" He pointed at his struggling brother, the Cobra's fangs still sinking into his green tail.

"Oh, no. The immunity meter is rising! The suit can't take this much venom," Chris let out when he realized that the bar on his wrist was reaching a dangerously high level.

"Oh, no! We gotta help Chris! Here, Martin, use this." Aviva popped out a mini Creature Power Disc out of her MIK.

"King Cobra Power!" Martin exclaimed with excitement. "Oh-ho, that'll help even this fight." He eagerly inserted the disc, before Koki helped him out of his tangle.

"I'm coming, bro!" Martin quickly slithered back toward the back of the Cobra, touching its tail for DNA activation.

"Activate King Cobra Power!" Martin's suit flashed a familiar blue as he grew a bit larger than before. "Now, it's king versus king."

"Sorry buddy," Martin tapped the back of the Cobra's hood. "Cobra strike!"

Martin attacked the snake with his own fangs. The creature hissed as it let go of Chris' tail.

Chris slithered up the tree until he felt that he was safe. His eyes quickly went down to check on his immunity meter...

His heart skipped a beat.

Meanwhile, Martin was battling against the King Cobra all on his own.

For a split second, his focus shifted toward his brother, who looked frozen in his spot.

The Cobra would've struck him if it weren't for Koki throwing a rock at it to chase it away.

Martin looked stunned. "Woah, thanks Koki."

She gave him a thumbs up. "You should've been more careful."

"Yeah, I know," Martin laughed sheepishly.

Beep. Beep.

Everyone's attention turned to Chris, who was still hanging around that tree.

Martin and Koki seemed perplexed. Aviva, however, gasped loudly.

"Oh, no. No, no, no..." she muttered as she ran to help Chris back on the ground.

Chris lay against the tree with his eyes wide, circled by everyone.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Aug 27 ⏰

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