Chapter 1

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Mia's POV:

This world is full of selfish and cruel people,and I promised myself I would never turn into that.However that was just a belief.
The contented and cheerful young girl now facing in the directions of the shadows.Being manipulated and used for over 20 years certainly had a mental and physical effect on your wellbeing.
Life may seem like a bed of roses,but it feels like a river of thorns.My innocence was stolen at such a young and vulnerable age,it still lurks upon me to this day.Roger got his claws into me when I was only 14.
Forcing myself onto Reece and constantly running back and forth to please his leadership is certainly something I wouldn't choose to relive if I had the chance.
I couldn't even look in the mirror without bringing up my last meal.
Almost everyday I guarded my body like it was a precious jewel knowing it could be violated any felt like I was trapped in a asylum I could never escape.No matter how much I tried,nothing was ever good enough.I often think to myself 'you should have walked away when you had the chance' but it wasn't that simple.
Every little thing I did was taken advantage of and moulded into this terrible version of myself.
I'm not proud of what I've become,but I'll always remember the bubbly and ecstatic girl I used to be.

"I told you not to get to close to me"
I pratically scream directly at Rogers direction as he steps closer towards me.i step back sending a disgusted glare his way.
"Mia,calm down I'm just trying to help"
"Don't.i don't need to hear your pathetic excuses anymore"
At this point,all the anger in my body has reached the top of my throat.I had enough of this vile man and his bullshit."All I'm doing is trying to help you find your dad,I'm not trying to fight"
"Look me in the eyes and tell me you didn't fucking lie to me this whole time""After all I've done for you,this is how you repay me?""You never change, do you? You never fucking change. Always so stubborn; always thinking you're right."My fists start to turn white as I clench them together with all my strength.I can't believe I ever fell for his crap.My whole life had been stolen and I wasn't going to tolerate it anymore.
"You know what? Fuck you. I'm not going to waste any more of my time, arguing over something you clearly think you're right about. Which, by the way, your fucking wrong about"
And with that, I barged out the office with a face full of anger.
All of those years I believed his nonsense.All of the times he stroked my thighs.All those times he sat himself uncomfortably close to me.
How could I be so stupid.That poor innocent little girl being lured in by his traps of Betrayal eventually leading to heartbreak.
My heart aches just at the thought of never being able to find my true self again.
I eventually come to the conclusion that I should just go to see Reece and clear all the remaining thoughts from my head.
Everything is pounding and I need it to ease off before I get too overwhelmed.

The drive there was deafening.
The noise of the cars passing by crept behind me as I distance them away.
After a few minutes,I arrive at reeces house.
I quietly tip toe up to his bedroom and close the door behind me.
He starts to move around as I shuffle in bed next to him.
He wraps his arms around me and holds me tight.
"Mia,what are you doing here?"
I tilt my head slightly to look into his eyes.I can tell he hasn't got any sleep all night.I giggle slightly at the eyes bags beginning to grow.Im trying to refrain myself from sucking the life out of his pale lips but It doesn't seem to be working.
I almost immediately cup his face for a long passionate make out session."You know Mia, if you wanted sex, you could've just asked""how about you come and help me out, huh?", on your knees."


Hey guys I hope you liked this chapter and hopefully I will actively update this story xx

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