| 007

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CHAP: 007.


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"woah it's so dark." [name] muttered to nobody in particular. "⎯is this how blind people feel?" unintentionally, she had made fun of kagaya and gyomei. "how do they even make a living for seeing nothing but darkness?" she puts a chin while being in the thought.

"oh wait. i wonder where everyone else is." the hashira felt a little dumbfounded by this situation. [name] purposely jumped into the same hole as the male just before, so according to her calculations, they should've landed together or at least be in the same area.

but she hasn't seen the male anywhere. nor the other students from furin or the other gang they were supposed to be fighting. does this mean they were all split up despite if they got sucked into the same hole as their peers?

so was this the kizuki's strategy by cutting their ties off in this dark hole?

if so.. this was quite easy to figure out for a mere demon slayer. but, maybe a bit smart considering how sunlight is not able to enter into this black hole. after all, black absorbs light either way, doesn't it?

now rethinking back to her decisions, was leaping black hole really a good choice?

haha, definitely⎯THE FUCK NOT.

"i should've pulled a sanemi and sliced off the demon's head right away. what a hassle." the hashira's shoulders slightly slumped. now she had more work to do, wander around and get lost continuously because the area was so large, despite only walking in darkness.

[name] needed to find the demon, along with finding everyone else too.

sighing, the hashira decided to shout out to nobody in particular, to see if anybody would reply, which probably would be the most unlikely possibility. but she has to do this to find more information and what else this black hole thing can do.

clearing her throat, she cups her hands around her mouth, using it as a megaphone before opening her mouth to reflect the volume throughout the entire space of the area she was in.





the [h/c]ette's voice only slightly echoed, but only around the herself.

"huh, i guess not." obviously. the [h/c]ette noted to herself as she continued to wander around despite not being able to see a single thing. 'i hate this place. i want to go out.'

she noticed a tiny detail of how her voice projected out quieter than what she intended it to be even with cupping her hands around her mouth to project the volume louder. it seems like this place also absorbs volume.

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