Chapter 7

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Rory led the three forward through the forest. They had a few Illager encounters but they successfully either hid from them or defeated them. They walked forward and looked at the camp.

On one side, there were 3 log cabins. The rest of the place had many tents in a circle formation, each having a sign.

One said "Outpost Chronus"

Another said "Mansion Juno"

And the most important one said "The Castle"

The castle's tent was much larger than all the rest and was at the very end of the circle shape across from the cabins. Many Illagers were entering inside.

Next the main area, there were some kind of stables that had Ravagers inside.

"That's our target." Rory said.

Rory moved left and the three followed. Rory sneaked behind the cabins next to the stables. They got next to the stables where all the carriages led by the Ravagers were. Rory looked around at each carriage.

"This one's the castle's."

Rory entered inside the carriage. The rest hesitantly followed inside. Samuel slid inside and Iris teleported. Noel climbed inside as quietly as he could.

"The Illagers are sleeping. We should too." Rory said.

Noel nodded.

"So like, are they not gonna check back here?" Noel asked.

"The Illagers aren't the best at remembering things. If we hide under some tarp, they might think we're just extra storage. That isn't guaranteed, though. They might check or not depending on the Illager." Rory replied.

There were two tarps already in sight. Iris and Samuel got under one, Noel and Rory under another.

Noel closed his eyes, and slowly fell asleep for the night.


A loud sound erupted from the middle of the circle of tents, waking everyone up. Noel noticed in his sleep, he had accidentally lied his head on Rory's shoulder. Noel was kind of embarrassed but no one said anything.

From the same spot as the other house, there was some kind of loud yell. It sounded like "HII-YAH"

Noel peeked outside of the carriage and saw who/what made the noise. Inside of the circle, there was a large and gruff Illager. He had a grey beard, an eyepatch, strong-looking armor. He also had a long staff, most likely what made the first loud sound.

After the yell, all the Illagers left their tents. Noel slipped back under the tarp. After about 5 minutes, Noel heard and felt the carriage being attached to a Ravager, and they were on the move.

Rory removed the tarp.

"We should be fine for now, just don't speak too loudly." Rory said.

Noel nodded.

The four gathered up into a circle.

"So, what's the plan?" Samuel asked.

"After we arrive at the supply drop off area, one of the Illagers will check on the supplies, after we...take care of them, we will wait for a little bit until all Illagers have left. There is about a 10 minute span before arrival and actually picking the supplies up. That will give us enough time to escape through one of the entrances. From there, I know the way to the General's office, he runs the place here, and all of the possible intel on the Dragonborne is in there. As long as we take care of any Illagers before they pull the alarm, we should be fine. The General won't be in his office, he's going to be holding an assembly about, well, finding me. After we get the intel, we get out of the window and run." Rory replied.

"..that's a lot." Samuel said.

Rory sighed.

"Just follow me."

"Question." Iris said.

Rory looked at her.

"Why can't I just teleport into the office?" Iris asked.

"The timing for going through the castle and leaving is timed perfectly to where we will arrive right after the General leaves. Also, you don't know how to navigate through the General's office. It's just more practical if we're all there." Rory said.

Iris nodded. Rory looked at Noel.

"Any questions from you?" Rory asked.

"Uhh, yeah actually." Noel replied.

"What is it?"

"Shouldn't we have someone, like, "on guard". You know, watching just in case someone comes up." Noel asked.

"I figured the slime would, as they can be the sneakiest with their morphing ability." Rory replied.

"I have a name!" Samuel said.

"Quiet." Rory said.

As the conversation finished, so did the ride. They re-hid under the tarps and waited. After about one minute, an Illager got inside the carriage. They started looking into some barrels and boxes. Noel took off the tarp slightly to take a peek of what was going on.

The Illager walked over to the tarp and reached down. Noel started to get worried about Iris and Samuel. As the Illager grabbed the tarp, Samuel used their slime to grab the Illager and throw them on the ground.

They all removed the tarps. Rory got next to the Illager and checked its pulse.

"Just knocked out. Could've done better, Slime." Rory said.

"I'm not really a killer. It kinda disturbed me." Samuel replied.

"I see death almost every day, I've gotten used to it." Rory said.

Iris and Samuel looked at each other in concern for Rory. Noel did too.

They waited for another couple minutes.

"We can leave. Come quickly." Rory said.

Rory left the carriage and the three followed. Rory walked around looking at the wall, just staring at it. The other three made another look of concern.

Rory eventually stopped at a specific part.

"Here." He said.

He pushed against the wall. The wall pushed in, like a button. After the button was pressed, a part of the wall, about the size of a doorway, opened.

"Come on." Rory said.

They all walked through the opening.

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